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8 Years together.


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So this happened a bit ago. We had plans on Valentine's Day. Though I wanted to wait till after I got my hair done. I was busy with school and we had been arguing about things. But we always got over it. Suddenly my now ex at the end of February, said I want to take a break. I said ok. We didn't talk for two weeks. Well, I got drunk and sent him a mean message about he always chooses his mom over me and how she manipulates him. (She's disabled and lives with him and throws pity parties). So after that, the next day he texted me we were over.


His mom has remained in contact with me. We actually got along really well despite the fact I hated her behavior at times. He wouldn't respond to any calls and or texts of mine. Then I went on vacation for my best friends dirty 30, we all got drunk and I apparently called him leaving really horrible voicemails (which I can't for the life of me remember)


So here I am months later, still missing him and wanting him back. I haven't texted him in over a month +. And I'm unsure what to do. I have blocked him on all my social media as well.


PS- I still have his house keys & garage door opener. He won't even respond to me wanting to just give it back.

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I think I deserved more than a text message that's why it's hard to let go. His mom texts me still saying she wants us to get back together. Then told me stuff like if I stopped texting him (I would send one maybe two text a few weeks apart) not continuously. His mom about a month ago told me he told her that if I stopped texting him he'd talk to me and we could be friends. Then she said he wants to be friends and possibly more in the future. I don't know if he said that or not. But that is what she told me.

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