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Is anyone else in this situation when their birthday comes around?


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Every year I get the question, what are you doing for your birthday and the answer is always NOTHING. But of course I never say that to make myself look like a loser so I just always say the family is treating me to dinner


But I was wondering is that mainly a woman thing? I always see women on my friends list going on vacation to celebrate their birthday. It's rare that I see a group of guys celebrating another guy's birthday. Anyway I have a week to try and do something since I took off next friday and monday.


As of now the plan is to eat out all weekend and order my favorite foods. lol I know pathetic. But when you are single and all your friends are married or living in other states it's not much that will happen.

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It's your b-day so it's really about what do YOU want to do? Do you want to celebrate it? Do you want to throw a party? Do you want to chill home with your favorite beer and shut off the phone? Go on a trip? I mean really....it's all about what floats your personal boat.

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I'm actually pretty averse to publicly celebrating my birthday. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty big on fesitivities. But feeling obligated in any way to celebrate on any certain day has always turned me off from the sentiment. Last year, my partner had to leave for a conference the afternoon of my birthday. She felt so bad but I really, really couldn't have cared less. She wanted to do something big for lunch and asked me. I was just like, "I could really go for some Popeye's right now." Walked by like 10 really nice restaurants with her asking if I was sure I didn't want to go to each of them. My heart and tummy were set on that 8-Piece Bonafide Louisiana fried chicken tender basket, though.


She left for her flight, I treated myself to some Five Guys for dinner, picked up a bottle of Cazadores Extra Anejo, and kicked back at home playing some old school RPGs on my PlayStation. Even got to sprawl out on the bed with the AC on 65 degrees at the end of the night since the lady was out of town. Couldn't have been happier.


As far as it being a female thing... I don't think celebrating birthdays itself is "womanly." But at least in my life, I've noticed it tends to be much more of a "celebrate me" rather than more of the "celebrate with me" attitude I've noticed with fellow guys in my life. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with the former, assuming not taken to any extremes. We've also traditionally (and unfortunately) raised girls to be pretty heavily reliant on external affirmation, so it makes sense you'd see more women than men really wanting to see the effort put in by friends and folks.


In any case, celebrate your birthday however you want to. The only wrong way is the way you don't enjoy.

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I'm actually pretty averse to publicly celebrating my birthday. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty big on fesitivities. But feeling obligated in any way to celebrate on any certain day has always turned me off from the sentiment. Last year, my partner had to leave for a conference the afternoon of my birthday. She felt so bad but I really, really couldn't have cared less. She wanted to do something big for lunch and asked me. I was just like, "I could really go for some Popeye's right now." Walked by like 10 really nice restaurants with her asking if I was sure I didn't want to go to each of them. My heart and tummy were set on that 8-Piece Bonafide Louisiana fried chicken tender basket, though.


She left for her flight, I treated myself to some Five Guys for dinner, picked up a bottle of Cazadores Extra Anejo, and kicked back at home playing some old school RPGs on my PlayStation. Even got to sprawl out on the bed with the AC on 65 degrees at the end of the night since the lady was out of town. Couldn't have been happier.


As far as it being a female thing... I don't think celebrating birthdays itself is "womanly." But at least in my life, I've noticed it tends to be much more of a "celebrate me" rather than more of the "celebrate with me" attitude I've noticed with fellow guys in my life. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with the former, assuming not taken to any extremes. We've also traditionally (and unfortunately) raised girls to be pretty heavily reliant on external affirmation, so it makes sense you'd see more women than men really wanting to see the effort put in by friends and folks.


In any case, celebrate your birthday however you want to. The only wrong way is the way you don't enjoy.




You right, I started early by getting a new phone. lol

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One year, everyone forgot my birthday. Even my kids, my boyfriend, my siblings and my bestie. I didn't get one text or one person saying "Happy Birthday!"


I admit, I felt forgotten.


I do like to have a fuss made over me for my birthday. But, of course, I'm female. But please don't have the wait staff at the restaurant sing to me. That is horrible.


Oh, BTW, this year I'm working on my birthday. I often have to. It's no big deal, I'll go to dinner with a few friends on a different day. No gifts, please!

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One year, everyone forgot my birthday. Even my kids, my boyfriend, my siblings and my bestie. I didn't get one text or one person saying "Happy Birthday!"


I admit, I felt forgotten.


I do like to have a fuss made over me for my birthday. But, of course, I'm female. But please don't have the wait staff at the restaurant sing to me. That is horrible.


Oh, BTW, this year I'm working on my birthday. I often have to. It's no big deal, I'll go to dinner with a few friends on a different day. No gifts, please!




I always felt texts were inappropriate for a birthday. I prefer a phone call

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You always hated it?


Well, of course when I was a teenager you couldn't get me off the phone. But after that, yeah, never liked it.


I love texting because it allows you to say what you need to say and get it over with quickly. Any conversations, I prefer to have in person.

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Well, of course when I was a teenager you couldn't get me off the phone. But after that, yeah, never liked it.


I love texting because it allows you to say what you need to say and get it over with quickly. Any conversations, I prefer to have in person.



My mom treats texting like email lol She sends a photo gallery

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I do not like celebrating my birthday because I am not one for being the center of attention. However, I don't want to be alone on my birthday though. Hanging with friends or dinner with the spouse makes me happy. My girlfriends and I did do a birthday trip one year which was awesome and a celebration of all our birthdays.


And yes, restaurant acknowledgements of your birthday are the worst, lol.

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Not me. I hate talking on the phone.


I am with you. i don't like the way a phone call interrupts.


I have sometimes forgotten my own birthday. I love being celebrated. One year nobody celebrated me, but two friends did knowing that nobody else would. They took me to lunch. It was an act of charity that I appreciated. I think deep down, I like being noticed on my birthday but it happened so rarely in my family that I don't even know that I like it. In my own family - meaning the one in which i am the parent, we tend to have rolling birthdays. They start early and continue on through the day itself, and in that way we accommodate the schedules we all have while still acknowledging the day. It has come to feel like having several little birthdays, like a tapas dinner instead of a single main dish.

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Can you do something with family?

Maybe I didn't express myself correctly. You got it the negative way.What I meant was that I don't get why birthdays are special days. I mean you can celebrate every day, I don't understand why birthdays have to be celebrated? I make plans and celebrate the days I am in good mood and I want to have fun.


My mother used to buy cakes but I don't eat sweets so my family just wish me happy birthday and maybe I receive a message from friends on fb.

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My husband and his friends -mostly guys, some women - all try to celebrate each other's birthdays by going out to dinner and often karaoke -and have been doing this for years - sometimes geography gets in the way. I never liked the group dinner/birthday celebration where everyone pays for the birthday person so I never asked for that. For my 30th my husband threw me a surprise party brunch at a fancy hotel which was awesome. That was almost 21 years ago.


When I've been asked when I was single typically I'd be doing something with family or maybe one friend (sometimes sort of a birthday month -meeting different friends for a meal or coffee- but I always did my best to pay -I just wanted to see my friend).


One time I did sort of a vacation. I got dumped by my then boyfriend right before my birthday so I bought plane tickets to go to California and visit my friend -she made me a bday dinner and we had dinner for my bday with some of her friends. It was really fun!

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I have low expectations for my birthday. I think the only way I'd be disappointed is if I didn't hear from my sons.

They are always pretty good and scoop me for up dinner. It may not be on the day, but a day before or after is typical.


My friends acknowledge it some way. I never know what to expect, but again my expectations are low.

I too don't like to be the center of attention.


I never understood my friends (one in particular) who feels like their life is over if someone seriously big doesn't happen.

It's almost painful.

If they sense it might not happen they plan their own extravaganza. It's not wrong. . just different I suppose.

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I live far from my family, so I just call up a couple of friends and ask if they want to join me for dinner (if I'm not working). Not treat me to dinner, just join me. And we get together and laugh and laugh and eat a bit too much. No gifts. It's a blast.


This year I might decide to take my birthday off from work so I can meet up with a friend or two. Or, if I work I'll just do my usual thing.

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I live far from my family, so I just call up a couple of friends and ask if they want to join me for dinner (if I'm not working). Not treat me to dinner, just join me. And we get together and laugh and laugh and eat a bit too much. No gifts. It's a blast.


This year I might decide to take my birthday off from work so I can meet up with a friend or two. Or, if I work I'll just do my usual thing.


I normally do that but my birthday fell on a thursday this year

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