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Is there any chance of us getting back together?


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My boyfriend of nearly 5 months broke up with me last week. This was after he had already decided he would give me another chance after almost breaking up with me 2 weeks prior. Basically we moved very quickly from the moment we first met and it got to a point where he was starting to feel smothered (his words). I didn’t see it right away, and once i did, i didn’t know how to best handle it. When he said he’d give me another chance, he said we could see each other and reevaluate things. He works out of town during the week, so we would only see each other Thurs-Sunday as it was. He said he needed space for things to get back to where they were, so i didn’t ask to see him, hoping he would ask to see me. Well 2 weeks came around, and I couldn’t take it anymore and texted him, and asked if I was going to see him that weekend (this was last week). He got upset with me, saying that i kept pushing, and that’s exactly what the issue was to begin with. That this was the same type of behavior that led him to wanting to break up in the first place.


Well, that conversation basically ended that way. He stopped responding to my texts begging him for a chance (stupid, i know). The next morning, with a clear mind, and a bit more calmed down, i texted him and basically told him that i didn’t feel as he had given us a proper last chance, seeing as we didn’t get to talk in person, face to face. Only text for 2 weeks. I said to him, let’s take a week apart and talk next week. I told him hold on to my things (which he had threatened to mail to me the night before). That i would miss him, but i respect his wishes for space. That was almost a week ago, he never responded. Haven’t spoken to him since. Been trying to just cut out contact, give him space, hope he reconsiders.


The issue is, I don’t know if he didn’t respond because in his mind, he’s already done, finished. Or is he really trying to see if i can go a week without contacting him? Meanwhile, he hasn’t mailed my things, so i can’t help but think that may be a good sign? Also, he has a plane ticket that i need to get from him for a trip we were supposed to go on together to visit a friend of mine, but because of all this, I plan on going alone. SO i need to get that from him in the next 2 weeks. I was planning on waiting more time to contact him, hoping he will contact me first.


I haven’t given up hope. I am madly in love with this guy and I now realize where I went wrong. If he gave me another chance, i would treat the relationship completely differently than before. I just want HIM in my life. I’m not afraid of being alone, he is literally the man of my dreams. Will he come back? Should i contact him in another week? Am i stupid for thinking he may come back at all?

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I haven’t given up hope. I am madly in love with this guy and I now realize where I went wrong. If he gave me another chance, i would treat the relationship completely differently than before. I just want HIM in my life. I’m not afraid of being alone, he is literally the man of my dreams. Will he come back? Should i contact him in another week? Am i stupid for thinking he may come back at all?


5 months and this guy is the man of your dreams? How well do you know him? 5 months and you're still in the honeymoon phase. Things are all sunshine and rainbows.


Ask yourself, why would you want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you? Wouldn't you want something genuine?


Regardless, I would move on. Clearly he thinks you two aren't compatible. You have to respect that and not go chasing him.


Heal and move forward.

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