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Visa requirements???


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In the light of your other thread I am surprised you are contemplating this step.


That aside we cannot offer consular advice here as regards travel to Iraq. For that you must contact the Iraqi Consulate and find out what the requirements are given that the Consulate will (or not) be the authority issuing your possible visa.

I am most surprised that your husband is not aware of these formalities, and that he didn't inform you in the first instance of what is required and the need to contact the Consulate.

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OP is not in the U.S. I understand. But very easy for her to locate the Iraqi consulate in whichever country she is. The mystery is why she asks here


"I'm thinking of applying for Visa to Iraq with my husband.. Is my Church marriage certificate fine or do I need another type of marriage certificate??

What else do I need?"


I understand her husband is from that part of the world and how odd that he would not look up the consulate for her, even contact them for her and find out the requirements and formalities for a visa application.

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I ask the same question:


"No offense - but why ask a forum of strangers instead of your husband?"


And this is a relationship forum not a consular service.


You say, S.


I didn't ask him...Thought about it


Surely your husband would be FIRST person you would ask as he would be in a position to provide the information.

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I ask the same question:


"No offense - but why ask a forum of strangers instead of your husband?"


And this is a relationship forum not a consular service.


You say, S.


I didn't ask him...Thought about it


Surely your husband would be FIRST person you would ask as he would be in a position to provide the information.

I was online here and it came to my mind and I decided to ask

Its actually my choice to ask a forum of strangers a question

Not a relationship forum?never mentioned it was

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Quit the snippy adolescent stuff Shinnel.


On your other thread you were not married. Now you are. In the space of two or three days!


I think you know very well that the Iraqi Consulate or Embassy will ask you quite a lot of questions, and you know why, don't you. And, whatever country you are exiting is going to ask why you are going there.

You are with me so far.....? Yes?


So, once again, why did you not ask your husband (if he is already your husband) first? After all it is his homeland and he would presumably be familiar with entry requirements.


Or, maybe, he is not aware of these little "arrangements" you are trying to make all on your own.


I understand completely why your mother would be worried......

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I was online here and it came to my mind and I decided to ask

Its actually my choice to ask a forum of strangers a question

Not a relationship forum?never mentioned it was


You're very much misinterpreting this.


You're totally allowed to ask. No rules. All good. No problems.




As this is a relationship forum, I'm asking why you don't feel comfortable enough in your relationship to ask him? The person with whom you will be making this life change?

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"I wanted to know what u all think"


What we all think about WHAT, Shinnel. Explain yourself more clearly. When we tell you what we think you don't like it.


You never even came back on the other thread.


What EXACTLY do you want us to say to you?


I want to be very clear about something here (and it ties in with your mother's misgivings and outright opposition to your marriage to this man), you are aware of what happened to people who travelled there to join certain groups? Yes? You will be questioned both by the Consulate and by the authorities at the point of exit from the country where you are now. So you and your husband (is he legal in the country where you are now?) will need to discuss this in full, ensure your documentation is in order and be prepared for questions.


Justo remark (and this was TWO days ago)


I'm OK with the kids being Muslim and we have talked about it..i believe God judges not by religion..The wedding would be done in a garden conducted by a clergy.


So in the space of two days this "wedding" has taken place. What kind of "clergy". In your visa enquiry you mentioned a "church marriage certificate". So, Anglican, Catholic, secular, humanist, Calvinist.....?).


Please, Shinnel, do not for one instant take us for fools on here.


You will get sincere and kind advice but do not play games, please.

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I haven't done the wedding yet...its going to be a court marriage cos I've been told it would be better for us

I'm not playing games and he is from Iraq not my present country...

Im just full of questions to be sure and if u think I'm playing games u must not comment

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And btw what's your problem with my questions? I have gotten other ideas and I'm just still curious..its evident its a forum for asking questions and getting help..u think I'm playing games ask..and no I don't dislike anyone's advice

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Given the kind of marriage you want, and how this is all going, you need to be VERY CAREFUL. As LaHermes said, you need to protect yourself from being flagged as an extremist.


Where are you from? For instance, Belgium produces the most extremists per capita. I would imagine that if you're from that area, there will be more inquiry


So go to the consulate. Get questions answered. Be careful.

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Given the kind of marriage you want, and how this is all going, you need to be VERY CAREFUL. As LaHermes said, you need to protect yourself from being flagged as an extremist.


Where are you from? For instance, Belgium produces the most extremists per capita. I would imagine that if you're from that area, there will be more inquiry


So go to the consulate. Get questions answered. Be careful.

Extremist?? OK.....sure I would. Thanks

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Precisely, MLD. Listen Shinnel. You can ask anything you like here, but you may not hear what you want to hear. I did not use the word "extremist" by the way. But I think if got the gist of what I was saying. You are talking about going to a country where there are considerable problems, of all kinds. And all I am saying is be prepared for questioning and possible obstacles.


We are all VERY bright people on here Shinnel. So, please be open and honest with us if you want honest answers.


It was you who mentioned a church marriage certificate (not me).


All that aside, how does your mother feel about these concealed arrangements. Does she know you want to head for Iraq? Does she?

She has your safety and interests at heart.


You mentioned he is from Iraq. We already know that. Another question: is he all that keen to go back to Iraq? Do you think? Maybe he would prefer to stay where he is, in your country. Why this sudden drive to go to Iraq?


You sound very young.......


I would like to know why you are not confiding these arrangements in your soon to be husband.


Be prepared for hard questioning, much harder than any of us on here can implement.


And to conclude: is it worth it?

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