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My ex is telling everyone I'm creepy


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So I met this girl in November, and we hit it off quickly. She was a very down to earth girl, loved music and everything else I love etc. I'm in college 2 hours from my hometown where she resides with her parents, but we still managed to hang out almost everyday over Christmas break. During this time I was going through a rough patch, still not completely healed from a very emotionally abusive relationship that lasted 2 years that ended roughly 2 years ago. I know that's a long time, I've spent since then working out, losing weight and focusing on myself and grades - ive been great. She as well was coming from a terrible boyfriend who ghosted her often, started fights over social media with her, and cheating on her.



So her and I hangout more, and she visits me one weekend at my college and she straight up asks me out, even though I previously told her I wanted to take things slow. In the moment I said yes, and our weekend was great. She went back home, and it sat in the next few weeks I was not ready for this. I broke things off, and she was very upset. She wanted to remain friends, yet went NC which I understand.



That was in January, I came home for the summer to work full time so I decided to message her to see how it was going with her, I truly do care about her alot, and I've never clicked like that with anyone. She instantly is excited to hear from me, and asks to hangout again and told me straight up - that we are just friends and won't ever date again, something I'm good with. She comes over we watch some movies and talk and laugh, make some sonic food runs throughout the next few weeks. This past Saturday she invited me over for breakfast as her family was gone for a week. I come over, we bake pancakes and have fun doing that, and watch movies till about 7pm. She asks me during our hangout if i wanted to stay the night to watch tv shows/movies still. I was sitting on the opposite side of the couch not even close to her during this time, we mainly talked about the college she was hoping to transfer to. Something came up and she had to leave so I left. I forgot to ask for my expensive shirts back she took from me apartment while we dated.


We didn't text until I randomly called her Monday to say hey, straight to voicemail. Check snapchat- i'm blocked, instagram- blocked. Notice I'm not blocked on fb and send her a quick nice message saying whats up/whats going on. She reads the message and blocks me on there as well. I'm utterly confused at this point, Saturday was an amazing day and nothing awkward or bad happened then or since then.


So yesterday with the advice from my family I drove to her house after I got off work to just get my shirts back, since I never actually gave them to her. Her mother answered and gave me a big hug and said she missed me and asked how I was doing, I said good and that I was just here to get my shirts back, and that X's name probably doesn't want to see me. My x was there but she was in the bath, so I got my shirts and left.


Today she started a live show with all of her followers as she usually does. I know this just because my friend who is not blocked saw this all and told me a few minutes ago. She went on to talk about me during this live chat, and she said I was just some guy who hurt her by breaking up with her, that we hung out Saturday but I gave her "bad vibes" and she felt "uncomfortable" around me. Her abusive ex actually joined the chat room at this time and said "F that guy" and she agreed with him? Saying she was mature to end it and to block me on everything. She said it was extremely creepy that I came by her house while she was in the bath, to get my shirts back. And went on and on about getting an anon message that read "I hate you" and she claimed it was me. The last thing she said was "I just had to get that crazy out of my life."



I'm completely confused about this. I treated her extremely well, and shes the only person since my abusive ex to make claims such as hers about me. I'm trying not to let this get to me but it hurts really badly, knowing she talked so badly about me with a straight unemotional face.

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So I met this girl in November, and we hit it off quickly. She was a very down to earth girl, loved music and everything else I love etc. I'm in college 2 hours from my hometown where she resides with her parents, but we still managed to hang out almost everyday over Christmas break. During this time I was going through a rough patch, still not completely healed from a very emotionally abusive relationship that lasted 2 years that ended roughly 2 years ago. I know that's a long time, I've spent since then working out, losing weight and focusing on myself and grades - ive been great. She as well was coming from a terrible boyfriend who ghosted her often, started fights over social media with her, and cheating on her.





I'm completely confused about this. I treated her extremely well, and shes the only person since my abusive ex to make claims such as hers about me. I'm trying not to let this get to me but it hurts really badly, knowing she talked so badly about me with a straight unemotional face.


I think she's just hurt that it's not going anywhere with you. Before you dated her and said you weren't ready so broke it off. Now you see her again and you aren't showing signs that you're going to be with her so she's going NC. The rest of it where she says you're creepy that you came while she was in the bathroom is not true. I wouldn't be surprised that she started a bath when you showed up just to avoid you and stayed in it hoping you left. Things people do to avoid getting hurt.

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This is not about you. This is her.


She felt rejected by you and she admitted that you hurt her by breaking up with her. Even though she bs'ed and said she was fine with you only being friends, she probably thought that if you hung out together that you'd make moves on her or ask for her back or pay her some kind of romantic interest.


When you didn't, she got upset from feeling rejected and decided to do what she's doing.


She is acting like a total jerk and is a little girl who plays head games.


She didn't dodge a bullet YOU DID. Be glad that you got away from that, it sounds like you were smart enough to not get involved with her.

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Yeah, you did nothing wrong here. She's out for an ego boost; she thinks by putting you down and letting others smarm up to her, she'll feel better about herself.


Sorry you're her victim of choice here, but unless you're really leaving stuff out you've done nothing wrong.

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