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Help! I'm so confused!


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I started talking to this guy a year ago, everything was going good except he works a lot so we didn't get much time together & when he was off he was tired. Out of nowhere he has hit me with I just want to be friends, nothing serious & us not have any feelings involved. He still texts me constantly.

What to do cuz feelings were already involved?

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He is not serious about you, what are you hoping this to become?


Texting does not equal a relationship and does not mean feelings, it simply could mean he is bored when he has extra time is playing around.


He has already told you, no, believe it and let it go. Waiting around won't change his answer and if he has already said these things to you, don't lower yourself and keep hoping he will change his mind.


If you want something meaningful and an actual relationship, look elsewhere.

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