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There's this girl on my bus that i like alot. im attracted to her but only talked to her like 3 times. i wanna go up to her and start talking to her but im nervous about what she'll be thinking, like if she thinks im hott or if im weird. should i just go up to her? girls.....how would you react? i know nothing really bad can happen but im still nervous. can anybody help?

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If you want to talk to her then there has to be some sort of way to initiate the conversation. She rides your bus so that means you two can be relatively close enough to have a conversation on the bus. Have fun with the conversation, dont put pressure on yourself.

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Just say what's up and ask her about school- any extra circicular activities? She will be just as nervous as you- so don't worry. Take your time and speak clearly.. nothing makes you look more nervous then someone that is tripping over their words.

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When I get nervous about something, I just ignore it. If there is someone whom I like, I'll go up to them and talk to them. Who cares if they think your weird. That's her problem. So, if you like her, then talk to her! Remember, your not alone. Good luck!

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i wanna go up to her and start talking to her but im nervous about what she'll be thinking, like if she thinks im hott or if im weird


I know this won't make sense, but girls dont make sense heh. Umm...I know this is goin to sound easier said than done, but what you need to do, and I've said this in another post recently, is learn to NOT CARE. The reason you get nervous about talking to her is b/c you do care, you care what she's thinkin, you wonder what she'll do if you 'screw up', or if she'll laugh at you...or if she'll even talk to you. The bad part in this, is that by showing that you care, you will get nervous, and it will show. It shows you have low confidence b/c you care so much what she thinks...she's just like any other person, she has her opinions, you have yours, dont change for her, dont act like something you aren't....you just need to get it thru your head to STOP CARING.


It took me a little while to understand this....and it may you. If you are that worried, practice talking to random girls that don't make you nervous...It may sound stupid, but in reality...dont all things in this world get easier with practice? All you can do from talking is learn, learn how to listen, but still have your own opinions, learn how to gain the confidence to show that you're in control of yourself and that you are you're own person without worrying about others.


Let me really ask you something, what do most girls say when...you ask them what they like in a guy? I'll tell you...like 9 out of 10 will say that they want a guy that can make them laugh. Learn how to be a little bit funny....I didnt go buy books or anything, but learning how to make jokes and tease girls helped me to release myself and gain confidence. I'm not a master at approaching girls....but I hope this helps...it helped me.

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i dont know if this helps at all, im just saying that LTAwsome is right about learning not to 'care too much' as you will overthink it. i have this problem right now, i like a girl, but we dont talk as much as i would like. on days that i think about it, i get nervous, and the convos are pretty short, and not too good. but on some days i either am really tired, or have homework or something, so i dont think too much at all...lol, and the conversation just flows, its much better to not overthink, and just speak. or in other words.. NOT CARE.


hope i helped... this is just my spin on 'not caring' form personal experiance.

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