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How are these poems.....people told me they are good.....


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I have been having a lot of problems with everything since i left highschool and now currently enrolled in college. Most of the time im depressed and i cant talk to anyone about it.



Life is hard and unforgiving,

I'm dizzy from the constant spinning.

They say everyone has a purpose,

I just can't seem to focus.


Most of my life seems to be a fake,

All that happens to me is heartbreak,

Make this feeling stop that persists,

How could such a feeling ever exist.


I'm waiting for the perfect time,

To say to you the perfect rhyme.

Poetry is the way I can say my feelings,

One day I hope to find my bearings.


The day you are in my arms ill be fine,

One of these days I wish to call you mine.

I'm selfish and always complain,

I'm sorry but I can't handle this pain.


Maybe this is what is supposed to be,

Showing me that I'm not meant to be free.

Doesn't matter to me; no one else cares,

So bring on the constant nightmares

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You can tell from your poem that you have very strong emotions that you are dealing with and writing is often a good way to deal with these feelings. I think it is well written and conveys how you feel really well. remember that not all poetry needs to rhyme, it is often much more effective to use words that do not rhyme because then what you are trying to say is not restricted.

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Today was another sad day,

I think but there is nothing to say.

I'm sad and I try to breathe,

So why did you have to leave?


I know I'm not your type,

And I'll be sure to keep up the fight.

I haven't felt this way in a while,

Please say yes and make me smile.


I think about your kiss,

You are the one I really miss.

My heart can't take this pain any longer,

But you would make me stronger.


When ever you are around,

My life seems to be found.

I know I may be shy,

But at least let me try.


If you and I were put together,

I know we could live forever.

All I ask is just one chance,

So you and I could have one dance.




All I can feel is emptiness,

Somebody put an end to this.

I think I know what to do,

Go away and forget about you.


All I did was cause me pain,

Everything's building up to shame.

At the end of it all I was meant to be alone,

Can't take this anymore; stop calling me on the phone.


Its not you that's the problem it's me,

I just can't get away to feel free.

I've wasted my time to talk to you,

How did I know this wouldn't follow through.


I kept the pain inside my chest,

I just want it to go to rest.

You made my cry for the last time,

Finally I figured out my line.


I wish everyone can see the other side of me,

Lost, broken, cold, and nothing good to see,

How long will this trouble go on?

The end has come I know what's to be done.




The world is full of broken hearts,

Everyone seems to be falling apart.

I try to help people out,

And when I can't I just shout.


Other people's problems have become mine,

And I think about mine and hope I will be fine.

My life seems to be full of regrets,

Why can't I put them to rest?


Friends have always been there with their support,

But I still find myself coming up short.

Whenever I feel alone, I like to look at the stars,

And I think about you and wish you were in my arms.


When you were finally in my arms,

I was awakened by the sound of the alarm.

It was only a dream; I wish it was more,

Now all I can do is fall to the floor.


When I open my eyes all I see is the ceiling,

I want the pain to go so I can start healing.

One day you will be here to hold,

I want the day to come before I'm old.




When ever I try to be open,

My heart always gets broken.

I don't know how; I don't know why,

But somehow you make me cry.


I liked you since the first time I saw you,

No matter how hard I try there is nothing I can do.

Time went by and now it's too late,

Why does everything have to end in fate?


You were my one and only,

Now all I feel is lonely.

I want to bring you back to me,

Cause you and I were meant to be.


Age is nothing but a number,

And all of this will make me wonder.

A long time ago you felt the same,

I didn't make a move and now I'm to blame.


All I ask is to be with you,

If this fails I might not make it through.

I didn't want it to come to this,

Now I'm dead and all I wanted was a kiss.




I walk into my empty room,

And all I see is gloom.

I want to get away,

With no where to go I stay.


In my head all I have is fear,

Someone save me and make it disappear.

All of my life I've been lost,

I'll do anything no matter the cost.


I sit in my room and cry every night,

And now that you're gone I lost my sight.

I take a look at my life,

And contemplate to use this knife.


During the day I have my sight,

But at night all I feel is fright.

Many people change but not for the better.

I hope you understand everything in this letter.


I take a look around to see what I've got,

All I know is tangled up in a knot.

Would I be missed if I'm gone for good?

I don't care anymore so I think I should.




Days are going by so fast,

All I think about is our past.

Feelings are a special thing,

Why did you pull my strings?


Campfires and special times,

I searched for the perfect line.

Every weekend I waited,

You never came and I faded.


I tried to make you happy in a way,

But some reason you would not stay.

When you cried I was always there,

Let me hug you and chase away the fear.


In your eyes I saw your other side,

Feelings are good, why did you hide?

I didn't know what to say to you,

Finally I can show how I feel about you.


We stayed up late and had fun,

You are so beautiful in the bright sun.

I dream about you on and on,

All my thoughts have come undone

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If you're depressed all the time, then maybe you need counseling, then again , those are all pretty good. You seem somewhat like me, I can't write on demand, I write lyrics in a way ....just whenever my emotions run high, depending on the day or what happened to me. If I'm thinking about things all day, then I could be sitting in lecture and just start writing a song in the corner of my notes. Most are like yours, I just try to think of a way they would sound If I was good enough to play them out in real song. Yours are good tho....

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I justed wanted to say that I feel a lot about what your poems are saying also. I'm a 19 year old who is also struggling at college and life in general. I have to say that I do not think that you are not depressed. I write poems that sound that way also, but I am just sad and lonely. I'm in a long distance relationship and feel really lonely. I also have a question for you? Do you live alone? I lived alone for about a semester and found it to be depressing. I then moved in with a friend from high school and she has lifted my spirits. I hope this helps you out.

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I have a roommate at college but there isnt a lot of girls at this college that im going to. This makes it twice as difficult to find somone. I am lonely in that i dont have a g/f. Im just too nice or something but something soon has to give. I cant stand being alone.

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Don't give up though. The nice guy does not always finish last. I used to date the "bad boy" type and I was always left feeling like something was missing when I was with them. My boyfriend is a really nice guy and did not have a single g/f in high school. Some girl will see that you are willing to give her everything that she wants someday.

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The thing is that there is this one girl that i met at this ammusement park and she seemed nice. I have been talking to her on the internet since then and it has been like 2 years since i last saw her. Her and i were thinking about meeting there again this summer. But there is also another problem in that my friend and his g/f are trying to hook me up with her friend. I dont like when people do that. Im glad that they are thinking about me but id rather do things on my own. Even though im not getting anywhere doing it by myself. She wasnt that great looking but thats not the point. I wouldnt be mean just i know what im looking for in a girl and when other people fix me up with somone they might not be my type then it would be just a big problem. And last night i prolly shouldnt have drank cause thats all that i was thinking about and i was saying that i wish that i was never born but i dont know anymore.

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I dont like it when people set other people up for the same reasons that you dont. I dont think that you are being shallow or mean either if you are not attracted to this other girl. I think that you should follow your heart, and if you really like this girl you should meet her agian. You never know what could happen....

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I think that her and i would really work but the thing is that im in college and she is in highschool. The age difference doesnt mean a thing to me its the distance that would cause problems. She said that she would date me but thats the only problem. Im glad that there is someone that wants me but this is too good to be true.....but that is just my luck. What i also dont like is that my friend always talks about sex and thats not what im after. Im not saying never just not right away. Its just not me to be like that and its hard when thats all he talks about.

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Well im thinking that i should at least give it a chance and meet her even though i really dont want to. At this point in my life i never had a relationship and i dont want to be alone anymore and hopefully i can ......if it doesnt work then i hope i could make a friend instead. Sometimes i think that i will never have a relationship. Im the kinda guy that would be commited to someone and they would be the only one..........i would never cheat on anyone. But im not going to worry about that cause its not going to happen yet........maybe even for a while......a long while.

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All my thoughts I keep inside my head,

They try to escape but won't come out when needed.

I try not to be shy but its hard for me to talk to people I never met.

My flaws are building up and no way to get rid of them all.

I'm afraid that I might not make it in life let alone making it through college.

I wish that there was someone out there that could help me find my way.

Just start me off in this unfamiliar place and I hope to make it the rest.

Music is the only way I can get my feelings to spill and reveal my true self.

I'm a fun loving guy that is waiting for that special someone to be there.

18 years alone is a long time to never have someone to love and hold.

I'm a very emotional person and will dedicate all myself to that special someone.

I dream for the time to come and then I wake and cry wishing that it was real.

People say one of these days it will happen but given the circumstances I highly doubt it.

The day that it happens I will believe them but until then it's just a fiction story.

So I will wait no longer and end this agony that I felt inside for many years.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Today is another day to start over,

Poetry is my only known savior.

Thoughts go in and out of my mind,

Write them down for someone to find.


Beautiful days help me with my depression,

All things seem to end up in question.

Don't ask I'm out of things to say,

I need to find the road to get on my way,


I'm searching for something that I never had,

And if I don't find it, no point in being mad.

The time will come when all things fall inline,

And the waiting game begins, all I have is time.


I've been waiting for a while for that perfect day,

When that special someone is at my doorway.

Lift me from the floor which I fell down on,

When I got up I noticed that all I had was gone.


Time flies when you want it to stand still,

I feel like I'm crawling up the never ending hill.

When I make it to the top I find nothing at all,

But that's just ok because I feel really tall.




Your words are like daggers to my heart,

How did I know this would happen at the start?

I made the first move but it was thrown in my face,

Then you were gone without a single trace.


I was sad, but time healed the pain I felt inside,

We spent the cold night by the warm fireside.

But that wasn't enough for me I wanted more,

I waited for you all night to come through that door.


I write all these thoughts down in my head,

It's my fault there were so many things left unsaid.

I should have told you at the time what I felt,

But I kept it inside and I regret it and start to melt.


I'm sad that I kept them all to myself,

It's like leaving unfinished thoughts on the shelf.

If only you will again feel the same about me,

But there is something about you that is a mystery.


What will happen next is up for you to decide,

It would be nice if you didn't have your feelings to hide.

Don't put yourself down all the time for no reason,

I'm there for you, I love you as you are that's my reason.

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dude, i'm usually very cynical of other people's poems, and am quite hard to impress, but i think your poems are great. it's cool when somebody can make something beautiful out of sadness and depression.


keep 'em coming if you have more.

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