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Stupid email mistake - do I address it or ignore it?

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A few weeks ago, I had my 3rd interview with a good company. The interviews were to see if I would be a fit, and not for a specific position. I hadn't heard anything back, and after discussing it here, decided I would leave it alone.


Earlier this week, my internal contact there said I should reach out, as things are evolving more quickly than expected, and a position might be created very soon. Ok. So I sent a quick friendly hello email.


But I sent it to the wrong address for one of them. Gah!!! I am so mad at myself! I double checked the company address, but didn't double check the name. I don't even know if where I sent it was a real address or not.


This morning I got a Linked In invitation from the wrong address person. Should I just ignore the bad email thing, or address it? I'll say that the culture of this dept is a LOT of humor, and I was specifically told if you can't laugh at yourself, don't apply. This is a great opportunity to laugh at myself...but if my mistake wasn't noticed, why draw attention to it?


What would you do?

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Not a big mistake at all. I'd just re-send it to the correct email address, as that person probably had no idea.


Just make sure you cut the "forwarded from" in both the Subject line and the email body itself, so that it looks like it came directly from you, rather than as a forwarded email.


Good luck!

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