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Cancels but really wants to reschedule, what to do?


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So I've been hitting it off with this girl who's been getting extra flirty since t liking me she wants to break up with her boyfriend. We went out for dinner and she then broke up with her boyfriend the other day and we were up for hours just generally talking. We arranged to grab dinner and see a movie (just a typical date). But this morning she texted saying that she couldn't make it because she had to sort things out with her friends and EX. She said she was so sorry and wanted to make it up to me and everything and that she was really looking forward to it but we'll go out another time.


My questions are whether this was an easy way for her to get out of going out because she's not interested or if she might still be because she still wants to go out. Also I don't mind the friends part but talking to her EX really makes me wary of what I should do so I don't get played? Only problem is that I'm starting to get the "f" word and I hate this. FEELINGS!!

Do I reschedule and make a move on her in the next few days or should I lie her off and find someone else? I already knew that there would be baggage from her previous relationship so I guess I'm just the idiot for not see what would happen. If you've got any questions which would help your answer, let me know and I appreciate your advice.

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Reading your other thread about this girl it would seem you are getting what you were warned about.


She has a bf so you need to steer clear and do the right thing UNTIL she has officially broken up with him and then give it a little time and THEN ask her out. Trying to snake some girl from her bf is a D-Bag move of the highest order.


When a cheater starts flirting with their next affair they almost always tell them how they aren't understood or how bad the relationship is or that is basically over so they don't look like a cheater when in fact they are going out with someone else while still in a relationship with someone else.


She could be rethinking breaking up with her bf, she could have a better offer from another guy or she could really need to sort her thoughts out since all this flirting became real and she is now seeing it as reality. Step back and see what happens.


I hope you learned something from this. Next time do not flirt or go out with someone in a relationship.



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We can't predict what's going to happen and we can't decide what level of risk you're willing to take with your emotions. That's all up to you.


But I wouldn't let this thing with her ex drag on. At a certain point, you're going to have to demand that she drop everything regarding her ex and concentrate everything she has on you otherwise you'll leave. It'll come down to that ultimatum or she would eventually leave you anyway.


You should be on other girls too. That way you will not be as affected by her actions and you may find someone else you connect with.

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So I've been hitting it off with this girl who's been getting extra flirty since t liking me she wants to break up with her boyfriend. We went out for dinner and she then broke up with her boyfriend the other day and we were up for hours just generally talking. We arranged to grab dinner and see a movie (just a typical date). But this morning she texted saying that she couldn't make it because she had to sort things out with her friends and EX. She said she was so sorry and wanted to make it up to me and everything and that she was really looking forward to it but we'll go out another time.


My questions are whether this was an easy way for her to get out of going out because she's not interested or if she might still be because she still wants to go out. Also I don't mind the friends part but talking to her EX really makes me wary of what I should do so I don't get played? Only problem is that I'm starting to get the "f" word and I hate this. FEELINGS!!

Do I reschedule and make a move on her in the next few days or should I lie her off and find someone else? I already knew that there would be baggage from her previous relationship so I guess I'm just the idiot for not see what would happen. If you've got any questions which would help your answer, let me know and I appreciate your advice.


Give her one more chance. If she bails or is wishy washy, move on.


If she left her boyfriend to be with you, she'll leave you for someone else. Keep that in mind. You may also be a rebound. You may want to re-think this entire thing.

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