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Grrr i hate this!


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I have ponderin this for quite a while. Say u saw a girl u had no prior knowledge of and have never talked to this girl and u wanted to ask her for her number, what would be the best way of going about it without making it seem weird? Wow, almost eighteen years old and still have no dating skills how embarrassing!GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, so basically talk about bs for 2 minutes or if you can't do that make it 1 minute since your a beginner. So at the end get some guts. You'll need to basically "study" and think of the process of you succeeding and getting her # all day. You will thank yourself for doing it because you won't talk yourself out of it. If you haven't talked to girls like friendly talk and your 17, this is going to be REAL difficult for you. So anyway here's what you do for her phone #, at the end of the conversation about bs (you can talk about school, weather, small talk pretty much doesn't have to be anything special like a talk on politics) you say "Well had a nice time talking to you, if your cool with it, exchanging #'s fine?". Then yeah, you see how it goes from there. Good Luck, and DON'T talk yourself out of talking to her you'll regret it!!

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haha im the same age as you and still have no "game" as the kids today call it. Here's what i do though, ive made my fair share of mistakes so lets start with the DON'T's lol.


1) never give YOUR number unless being asked (oohh yes ive done that, she seemed happy as hell to get it but never called)


2) Don't call the same day you get her number (makes you seem anxious or whatever)


ok heres what i usually do...ill watch for awhile until i find something she does each day, like reading a book or something or working on the same class's homework day after day, walk over like im not gunna go and say something simple like, "hi im eric, whats your name?" and if she tells me her name with a smile then i sit and ask what shes up to, if shes doing something i know i might even offer to help a little bit. The sketchy part comes next, what to talk about after those crutial moments.


Usually i pull a hit-or-miss attempt with something really stupid like, "sorry if me showing up seems random but i needed a good excuse to get a little closer to you."


Based on her reaction to that id go to..."well hey if you liked talking to me here then maybe youll like talking to me over the phone sometime...can i call you?" and after i get her number, say goodbye and walk away. Don't over do it on the first run, gotta leave her wondering about you because girls seem to respond to that.


Like i said i have no game either so this post can help both of us, use it if you wish...but ladies tell me if i suck at asking and feel free to make suggestions lol!


Good luck man,



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Well it doesn't matter hang around attractive women more you'll learn to relax. It took me 2-3 1/2 months to relax around attractive girls. I mean, you know if they like you (well not always because they can like you and not blush) because they can get red in the face too!

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well i dont know where u live where like an attractive girl will actually want to hang out with a guy whos less attractive than she is. Usually at my school they hang out with guys who are good looking and usually dont bother with average looking guys so i got that goin for me

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Any guy (that doesn't look like a nerd) can hang out with any hot chick. I swear. If your even an average looking dude, it doesn't matter whatsoever. I guess where you live women are just superficial. Well when you're 18 go somewhere like out of state or to a blue collar neighborhood. I mean if it already is blue collar, just go to somewhere more blue collar, with less snobs. So you can go to college with your kind of people who don't judge by looks. It's just like celebrities. Most of them are a bunch of losers, they only date other celebrities...it turns out that they usually break up within 2 years. Why? Too shallow. lol. So yeah, just don't bother getting stupid superficial women to like you; not worth it, waste of life.

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Relax friend, there are plenty of guys in this world who go their whole life not knowing how to hit on women. You're only 17 and you care enough to ask and research the subject, so you'll be fine in no time. As for striking up conversations, here's a couple of examples. I was at the gym a couple of days ago and was on the stairclimber. This chick jumped on the one next to me and I said "So you're going to be doing this thing too?" She said "yeah I always get the best workouts on this thing." Then we got into how often she comes in, what she's studying for at school, how my friend stood me up because he's lazy, blah blah blah. And good strong eye contact the whole time. That's important because it shows you have confidence. Then today I was gonna play some basketball and I saw this one chick playing with these guys. I watched her for 30 seconds or so but she didn't see me. The game ended then I was shooting around on the court. I said "You looked pretty good on the court out there." She said "really? You were watching me?" Again, good eye contact and was cool and smooth so she knew I was a cool cat. It's as easy as that man, and then you keep the conversation going with normal conversation stuff. They're just normal people like me and you dude, Don't let them intimidate you just because they have the ability to make babies!

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