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Should I lose my virginity?


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I am at the point where I want to lose my virginity. I use to say I want to lose my virginity when I am married but I think I am changing my mind.



I am not just going to give it up to anybody--I want to lose to someone that I have been with for a long while.



I know a lot of people say keep your head in the books, sex can wait or something like that but most of them gave it up just to some random person.



I am so eager to but at the same time I want to lose it to my future boyfriend. If my relationship lasts over three or four months I'll give it up...but I wouldn't tell him that.



I know that this is just a quick phase or whatever but...I believe I am ready to lose my virginity even though it's against my religion.


Will I be making a mistake? And if so, tell me how can I be strong enough to not give it up because at this point...I know I am not.

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How old are you? You sound like you are quite young. When to lose your virginity is such a personal issue that nobody but you can decide on. Do you think hell and damnation will be a result of having sex before marriage? It's my opinion that religion gets in the way of people making decisions about having sex before marriage.


Do you currently have a boyfriend? No matter what you decide, don't ever have sex just to keep a boyfriend. Never agree to sex if you dont honestly want to indulge.

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..I believe I am ready to lose my virginity even though it's against my religion. .

You're 17 years old.


You don't have a boyfriend.


It's against your religion.


What's the rush? Find a long term boyfriend first and then cross the bridge when you get there.

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Also-- you don't "give" your virginity to anyone. Guys don't get some vagina trophy mailed to them with your name on it mailed to them afterward.


But to echo the above, you're very young and don't need to be worried about it.

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I am so eager to but at the same time I want to lose it to my future boyfriend. If my relationship lasts over three or four months I'll give it up...but I wouldn't tell him that.

You really don't know a person after 3-4 months of dating. Most people don't consider it a serious relationship if they have tied dated for a full year.


Think long and hard about this one. Do you want to risk a pregnancy with someone you barely know, or with somebody with no intentions of fully committing to the relationship?

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How old are you? You sound like you are quite young. When to lose your virginity is such a personal issue that nobody but you can decide on. Do you think hell and damnation will be a result of having sex before marriage? It's my opinion that religion gets in the way of people making decisions about having sex before marriage.


Do you currently have a boyfriend? No matter what you decide, don't ever have sex just to keep a boyfriend. Never agree to sex if you dont honestly want to indulge.


I will never have sex to keep a boyfriend. I know waaay better than that but thanks

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You're 17 years old.


You don't have a boyfriend.


It's against your religion.


What's the rush? Find a long term boyfriend first and then cross the bridge when you get there.



I know. I said when I get in a relationship in the future that's long term, I will.

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If you ready you're ready. Don't listen to what society, your religion, your friends, family etc. think you should do. It's your body so you are the only one who can decide what feels right. Do it because YOU want it or don't do it because YOU don't want it.

Whenever you do just make sure it's with someone you trust and feel 100% comfortable with, so you can talk about everything and stop any second it doesn't feel good or if you last minute decide that you want to wait anyway.

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