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Do things always happen for a reason?


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Do you think things always happen for a reason, or sometimes does **it just happen?


I had a job for two years that I didn't like so started looking for something that was a better fit. A couple weeks ago I got a job offer from a company I always wanted to work for and left my old job. I gave myself a week off between jobs to get things done around the house that I've been putting off. Two days before I was supposed to start the recruiter called and said my offer had been retracted due to company layoffs and cost cutting. I had two jobs, now I have none. I'm thinking of calling my old boss and asking for my old job back.


I am broken-hearted this job slipped through my fingers and I cannot believe I'm in this spot. I'm trying not to feel so desperate that I just take any job that is offered, but I just feel awful and wonder "why did this happen"? I'm trying hard not to get so depressed about it that when a new job comes along, I'm in such a negative place emotionally that I ruin that one for myself.


Is there any good reason this happened because I sure can't think of any.


Thank you for reading.

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In life, it is often the luck of the draw.


You said you got a "job offer", but that was just an "offer". Was there a contract in place? I find it odd that in the space of a week the company started thinking about its layoffs and cost-cutting.


Anyhow, try not to go to that negative place emotionally. Get yourself ready for the next job opportunity that comes up, and tie them to it when you are offered the job.


A bit of mindfulness helps at these times:


"We often move our emotions from 'bad' to 'worse' through the stories we tell ourselves about what's going on, repeating a succession of negative thoughts. We can interrupt this cycle by returning to awareness of the breath or the moment.

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Ask for the old job back at the same time you continue to search. The silver lining is the lesson not to count chickens before they are hatched.

Two days before I was supposed to start the recruiter called and said my offer had been retracted due to company layoffs and cost cutting. I had two jobs, now I have none. I'm thinking of calling my old boss and asking for my old job back.
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It'd be nice, wouldn't it? We'd like to think something bad happens, it means something better will come. Then you consider the fact kids die every day from **** like leukemia for no good purpose and it's pretty easy to reason that we can lose a job for no good or prophetic purpose, either.


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but simply to suggest that, beyond cause and effect, I doubt there's any "reason" for much. That said, you can have some say in how far a hand you're dealt gets you to. It may so happen that, through being optimistic, diligent, and with a little bit of circumstance, you'll land something better than you had. Or, if your boss gives you the job back, you'll be able to appreciate your work more. In a sense, you can create your own path / reason.


Sorry this happened. Keep your head up.

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Sh*t happens...

That's life...you live and you learn and you don't give up.


If I had given up the first time a quiz went bad, I wouldn't be where I am at now finishing med school..


Persistence is a big plus at success..


Although there are things in life that happen sometimes that you can't always explain.


I think in everything bad there is something good and in everything good there is something bad..

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