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Feel betrayed by friends


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I seem to have lost all my friends from college. Near the end of school I broke up with my girlfriend. I found out that she cheated, so I broke up with her. We tried to date again for a few weeks but she would always try to push my buttons to get me mad. So finally I ended it for good. I was really upset about it because I thought I was really in love with this girl. My friends would basically tell me that she wasn't worth it and would tell me to not even talk about it. Basically acting like I made too big a deal of it. I moved out of town, she and I never talked before I left. A long time later, I find out that she knows all kinds of details about my life, details only my friends would know.


It pissed me off, they tell me to forget her, that she is bad news, and I find out that they are evidently talking to her a lot (she had a new boyfriend so I don't think they were after her).


Am I completely wrong here? When we were dating she never really wanted to hang out with my group of friends. When we aren't she all of a sudden is buds with them and knows every detail of my life. I wanted her out of my life so bad, that now I lose my friends over it.


Why would anyone be friends with their friends cheating ex?

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Just because of curiosity and probably were jealous if she's like really hot or something. Some of us guys can be total morons like that. And they want to know how it's going with you and her. I bet they weren't expecting it to last long. Well anyway, they probably thought you betrayed them for your time-wasting $$ spending, high-maintenance gf. I bet they thought "Well, screw this guy". And that's why your friends blew you off.

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i go to a all guy school. its catholic and theres this saying we all have. bros before hoes (excuse the language). anyway that means if someone decides to ditch his mates because of some girl he doesnt deserve to have them! your mates could be there for ever but its unlikely your going to get married to this girl. as i learnt recently its just not worth it. she probably just started to your mates because of you! even though she may be a evil little....she may still want to know how your going. but if she doesnt treat you any good leave her alone and just ignore her

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She cheated, she was wrong. YOur so called friend probably want her or have had her, so thats why she knows. I guess they were not true friends. Want a faithful friend get a dog. No man/woman are perfect. If you do not want anyone to know something about you, keep it to yourself.

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