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My job i put my 2 weeks in for ticked me off today


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Hello all so i put my 2 weeks in, this was due to step forward to my future, my current job is a bs job that ANYONE CAN DO vacuum cars and prep them so they can be used. Anywho i put my two weeks in and while there today they kept asking about my new job seeing if they can duplicate the pay and i guess make me stay ( i am the only one who does the job) the others suck or dont show up the new job pay is a real world job and not the crappy minimum wage! So what ticked me off is that i quit and i have to prep for new job and memorial day cause i have other commitments ( i am a fireman) i told them i will not be able to work thurs- sat ( i needed thr days off regardless) due to preparing thurs and leaving town friday until tues. So the manager was aruging with me because of this but i had already quit and was just doing my 2 weeks she asked if i can work mon-wed but i start new job monday( i had mondays off already from current job. So me being ticked off and spiteful i blocked all contact and decided i will be not be showing up the rest of this week? Is this wrong? Ik i cant use them as a recommendation but this job takes ZERO SKILL SO I WASNT GOING TO USE IT ANYWAY. I was very annoyed that she argued with me after i had already quit and i have other commitments which she had already knew of. I am treated like crap because i am just a "service man" there anyway and once she argued i lost it as i was trying to be nice rather than just quit but her aruging pushed me over edge

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you were not being treated badly at all, quite the opposite, they offered you quite a lot to keep you, which was nice. if they indeed thought you were the most reliable person, then it was more than fair and nice of them to acknowledge that and offer higher pay to keep you. when an employer does that, it's smart to be as pleasant as ever, and stay on their good side since that level of their satisfaction looks great on your resume.


don't dismiss the importance of acting professionally just because it's a "crap job". a man who does a humble job with the same care and diligence and ethics he would a fancy one is an excellent candidate.


next time an employer does that, just thank them and tell them you are honored but have decided to pursue something else.


of course if you find the job unsatisfactory, you had every right to put in your 2 weeks notice. but...a two weeks notice is just that- a notice that you will continue to work for two more weeks before you leave the establishment. meaning, for those last two weeks, you still have to behave professionally, and do what the job demands (including training new candidates) and respect your schedule.


what a two weeks notice isn't is a free pass to not show up on days that are inconvenient for you, act disrespectfully, argue, or flat out refuse to work on what you're assigned to work on.


i suppose you could not mention them to your new employer, but answering "so if you weren't unemployed from september 2016 to may 2017, where were you??" with a satisfying reply will be really difficult, which probably won't help your chances any more than "i fell out with my boss", so you really blew that.


since you are talking about not listing them as a reference to new employers, i take it you haven't actually got a new job contract in place with a new employer yet. usually, it's not the best idea to quit one's current job without a reliable plan B. hopefully, you have one, and a plan c too.

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Rainy coast, i have a new job i been working with them the days off, i had these days off since i am college student so i had school those 2 full days and once school ended i started working part time it was quadtribble the amount of pay i make at this job l, and i put lots of effort in they hired me on the spot full time so i told my current job that i am quitting, they did not directly offer me any money to stay but i can tell if it was 12.50-15 they would have gave it to me im not gunna say how much i make but lets just say its past the 1x and 2x hourly range higher than 3x too.

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You don't have to put them on a resume that's all.


You gave your two weeks and that's plenty. I work in the medical field and hospitals around here require one month of notice before you quit, but guess what ? Even when I give that much time in notice they still ask for extra time ! So it's not just crappy minimum wage jobs it's nice ones with good pay that do that as well. It's just not enough notice for them to hire a new person and train them to be be efficient at their job and transition from one person leaving to another one coming in and it stresses them out that's all. You will face that problem with any job because most places are understaffed to save money and so when one person leaves, they really feel it.


Congratulations on your new job and don't sweat the small stuff.

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