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My brother bullies me

Guest Uselesschild

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Guest Uselesschild

I'm 15 years old and overweight. My brother is 16 years old and has a perfectly normal body, something I wish I could have Today I was minding my own business when my brother started to randomly taunt me by flicking near my ear. I did the same but my finger touched his ear by the slightest bit so he grabbed my "manboob" and squished it which really hurts. He's always done things like this to me- randomly punching me, slapping me etc. So I decided to take one of his sheets he uses for revision and told him to say sorry because I'd had enough. As with holding any flimsy object, the paper creased by the slightest amount so he thought it would be right to punch me in my left eye, which made me scream out in pain and start crying. I couldn't control myself and the only thing I could do was rip his sheet, which I did. He then began to punch me, kick me and elbow me in the face and anywhere he could. I fell to the floor and started crying and screaming out in pain. My mum came upstairs and thankfully stopped him before he probably would've broken one of my bones and severely injure me. I told my mum what happened which was hard to understand because I was so upset and my brother, as usual, began to taunt me even after hitting me that much by calling me fat. I couldn't stop the tears coming out of my eyes so I ran downstairs.

I don't know what to do, he's done this every time. I wish I was like him because I'm always called fat which draws tears from my eyes. I am both emotionally weak and physically weak despite my large appearance.

Someone help me, please

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