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A year later - More in love, new guy, hope hope hope.

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Hello everyone,


It's been over a year since I made the "ahh will he ever come back" post, and if anyone still happens to come across it, that were in a similar situation than me, I'd like to talk about how my life is now. I'll make a separate post just in case, but felt it was necessary to chime back in here seeing as scouring this website for months on end really helped my healing process.


So here we go:

Turns out when your mother, your family, your friends tell you that you'll be happy again and find someone even better, and you'll have no feelings for that girl/guy that broke your heart - they're telling the TRUTH. I thought this was BS. I thought "everyone just wants me to shut up".

My pain this month a year ago is still valid, but entirely gone now. I can't believe I wasted so much time and energy idealizing someone who, number one, treated me like crap, and number two, left me.

I let myself grieve and live the pain for a solid 5/6 months before I was tired of it. I began college again and made new friends, worked on my body, ate right, did things that made ME happy. Because I am so important, and so are you.

By January, I had 99% gone back to my old self, and guess what? An even better version. I felt happier alone than I did in that relationship. I allowed myself to love myself, instead of putting all my energy into the self-righteous cause of loving a guy that did not deserve it. I was so happy, just fooling around with guys now and again. I had never felt more fulfilled.


Then, after about 4 months of casually seeing someone, I was terrified of getting into a relationship. Again, I thought that was just a cliche people who didn't want to commit used, but it's legit. Then I remembered how I got through the last breakup, and came out the other side so badass, and thought - why am I letting a ghost of the past tarnish my potential happiness with a new guy?


So far, this guy has been a huge part of my life. He's a beautiful attribute to it, incredibly good to me and totally incomparable to my ex. He cares about my feelings, is proud to show me off to his friends. His family adore me and likewise, and he's always there when I need him. I am more in love with him than I had ever been with my ex, and this time the butterflies don't have a hint of anxiety. So, it HAPPENS, and it WILL. The only difference now is my awareness that life isn't fair, and people can change, but I think I'm prepared for that to the best of my abilities. For now, I'm just enjoying this fine ass dude that treats me like I'm a goddess.


If you're heart is breaking into a thousand pieces right now, and you can't sleep, and you wake up sick with the most immense pain, please believe me when I say it does go away. The world has so much happiness and love left in store for you in a variety of forms.


All my best wishes x

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I'm so happy for you! We might not see while we're in the middle of the pain, but there's light at the end of the tunnel and even better life afterwards than we could have imagined. Congratulations for taking the best steps to become a better version of yourself and by that attracting someone good for you and not letting the fears from the past tarnish this new possibility.

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Hello everyone,

I let myself grieve and live the pain for a solid 5/6 months before I was tired of it. I began college again and made new friends, worked on my body, ate right, did things that made ME happy. Because I am so important, and so are you.

I am currently at this point. Trying to focus on me and making me happy. I am still very sad and angry about what happened but like I said I am trying to be happy.


I am very happy for you and I hope I can get to the whole "happier without them" state someday.

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