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Everyday shoes that be worn for hiking?


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Hi everyone, I wonder if you know/could help me with this? I might go on a 1-week trip this summer that would involve light hiking (not rock scrambling, but dirt paths that might be steep). I like to pack LIGHT. This means I want shoes that I can hike with but also wear all day every day, including on the airplane, etc. Does such a thing exist? Or am I stuck bringing a separate pair of trail shoes?


Thanks so much.

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You can check out Merrell. They're pretty versatile and would fit the bill as being both a good daily walker and a trail shoe.


If you're going on trails with inclines, loose rock and such, I'd be hesitant to take something that doesn't have a good thread. You don't want to be slipping or losing your footing at all.


Hope this helps.

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If it's just light hiking, a good pair of sneakers with healthy tread will do. If you really need something more sturdy with more ankle protection/support, then you will have to go with hiking boots. You can find some good in between types at outdoor sporting goods type places. Also look up hunting type boots, ankle high. They can serve both ways and are usually water proof which is nice.


One big piece of advice is be sure you break those shoes in long before your hike. What feels great in the short term can be extremely different by the end of the day. You do not want to find out on the evening of day one that your feet are bleeding or that the shoes are not comfortable and you are totally foot sore or have gotten blisters on the bottoms of your feet. Also, for long hiking or more heavy hiking, wearing two socks will save you from blisters, which means buying shoes that will accommodate double socks.

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When younger, I hiked a lot and can't say I've ever been somewhere called "steep" that didn't have rocks or pose direct challenges to my feet/ankles.


That said, packing light only works for a day, maybe two.

Never go anywhere for longer then that without two pairs of shoes!


Also, always have a pack of "moleskin" with you!

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You can check out Merrell. They're pretty versatile and would fit the bill as being both a good daily walker and a trail shoe.


I can vouch for the Merrells. I have a few pairs of their 'Moab Ventilator' model that I wear for everyday. They're really comfortable, and would be fine for light hiking.

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