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The last thing I am is a golddigger, but...


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Sorry, I still stand by my opinion that she is a young woman with the world ahead of her and she should not be in the business of "Fixing" men. It is not a good road to go down or start going down. If you were together 20 years - it is a worthwhile, mutual relationship and someone gets laid off and gets depressed, that's one thing. But this young woman who is just launching into adulthood should not be spending half her money to support this loser. He likes his life as it is. I hope she has a nice summer romance on the cruise and comes home after a year or two and is ready to rock at her career - and meets a man who is doing more than smoking weed in the basement.


If you love someone you would stand by them, and for the record it's not the good times that defines a strong relationship, it's the bad times.


I guarantee that they will have a very fulfilling and lasting relationship if they both work hard to get over this hurdle.


This sort of attitude by the way, is why divorce rates are so high, if she can't stand by him now, she isn't going to 20 years from now. Loyalty is not something you can just switch on.

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I guarantee that they will have a very fulfilling and lasting relationship if they both work hard to get over this hurdle.


Quite. If they BOTH work hard to get over this hurdle. There is nothing in the OP's post to suggest that her partner has any wish to change his situation.


Waiting patiently in a dead-end relationship, hoping that the other person's going to change, is a condition known as codependency. It is damaging enough to be the focus of a 12-step program.

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