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How do I make myself comfortable with my past?


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It's been many years since my ex broke up with me. You can say, it was both due to family pressure as well as my immature activities. Fortunately/unfortunately our friend circles mutually intersect each other to a great extent. Her cousin brother is my best friend, her cousin sister is a very good friend of mine.


There were instances where both of us tried to contact each other, but ego played its role.


Many years down the line, I am happily committed with my present partner for a long time. While the other person is still single. What's more worse is that, my girlfriend happened to be a very good friend of my ex, even though they are not in touch now. Both of us are well established in our respective domains.


But, to be frank,something still lingers on. And I feel, it's negatively impacting my current relation. Now, how do I deal with the situation?

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Unfortunately, you'll have to leave the past in the past unless you want to ruin your current relationship. You have to steer clear of her the best you can. Bring your gf along to social events and prevent inappropriate contact with the old flame.


What were the family pressures to break up?

It's been many years since my ex broke up with me. it was both due to family pressure. I am happily committed with my present partner for a long time. While the other person is still single. something still lingers on. And I feel, it's negatively impacting my current relation.
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Our exam results were going for a toss. Then her family intervened.


You must have understood by now, how much intertwined our friend circles are. This, to me, seems a big factor.

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