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I've been messaging a guy every day for a week now. When we text, he says he likes me and tends to be very flirty. But when we're just having a normal conversation, his replies are short, so I have to ask random questions to keep our conversation going. We have met in real life once for drinks and he was very good at keeping up a conversation (I was surprised considering how he is with messaging). We have made plans to see each other again, we have agreed on a day, place, and time... so far.


The issue is this: he's not very good with texting, usually gives me short replies and doesn't make the effort to start and keep up a conversation (it's usually me sending the first message and asking him questions). But he has stated that he likes me and did show interest in me in real life. I tested him out by not sending him a message first for once to see what he will do. So far, for more than a day, no message. It shows he hasn't been online since we last talked, but I don't think he's very busy. I know his schedule and when I would message him, even if he hasn't been online much, he'll reply right away (it seems that he'll only go online when I message him).


I haven't committed much to him yet, and I want to make sure I'm not wasting my time. I don't want to seem clingy because I have messaged him first mostly and now I stopped to see what he'll do. But no message from him.


How should I go about this?

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Excellent the date went well and another is already planned. Texting is not dating. Stop all the texting, it's annoying and looks desperate and clingy, like you don't have a job or a life or friends to text.


You don't "commit to" anything after meeting once for drinks...Dating is not about finding text buddies. See how it goes in person. Enjoy the next date!

I've been messaging a guy every day for a week now. We have met in real life once for drinks We have made plans to see each other again, we have agreed on a day, place, and time... so far. I haven't committed much to him yet, and I want to make sure I'm not wasting my time.
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Hey there, thanks for your input! You also replied to an earlier post I made about the same issue (I thought it was gonna be posted right after I submitted it but now I know better and I appreciate it.


So I ended up saying hi to him, hoping to confirm if we still had plans, and he cancels. Maybe he was just looking for a hookup but whatever it is, I should move on.

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