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When a person lie in your face, though you know the truth, what you will do?


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When you found your boyfriend lie straight to your face, even though you know the truth, what you will do? Just pretend you don't know anything and see how long it takes for him to come clean or confront him?


Thanks to social media sites and trusting my intuitions, I found out that my boyfriend's sister, is his wife

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In your case, waiting for him to come clean serves no purpose and would be a serious waste of time. This is actually one of the few very cases where I would actually recommend dropping someone by disappearing, delete, block, never talk to this person ever again, let go and move on to meeting new people ASAP. There is nothing to gain in engaging liars and cheaters. They know what they are and nothing you say or do will change them or undo the damage they do.

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Hi Raggie,


Thank you for the swift reply. Well, just a month? Haha! He is actually acting soooo weird. Both of them are Living in Dubai, so do I, but, they are living in 2 different homes. I am staying at his place every weekend and one time, he left me alone coz he needs to go to office for 2 hours to sign some papers. Out of my curiosity, I opened his cupboards, drawers, etc. I found baby shoes, tons of baby wipes, baby things, and other women stuffs. I found some Western Union receipts and that he is constantly sending money to his "sister", and he said all the baby things in his house is from his "other sister's" son. He doesn't know that I opened his things and checked, and he is clueless that I already know his secret. He is moving near my home in 10 days and he wants me to move in. Just weird coz if they are still okay, why they are living in 2 different places? and why he wants me to move with him?

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Hi Clio,


Thank you for that, I appreciate your advice. The fact that he denied that he got a family is a total crap. I know he will deny it. But, what I want is to ruin him as well, I don't want to settle only at this level, he needs to pay for all the wasted time I spent with him. I have trust issues and I investigate like a CIA/FBI, lol, sorry for him coz I find $#it by myself and I will not just stop without him suffering, I just don't know how.

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What do you mean "pretend you don't know anything and see how long it takes for him to come clean"? Are you prepared to carry on as normal knowing that he has lied to you (and evidently his wife) on such a proportionate level? How on earth would you be able to do that?


Damn right, I would confront him ... but I wouldn't bother asking for the truth. That's neither here nor there anymore. He has a wife. He is a cheat and a liar. I would tell him what a dirty, scumbag, lowlife he was and be on the next train to get me the hell outta here.

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He is moving near my home in 10 days and he wants me to move in. Just weird coz if they are still okay, why they are living in 2 different places? and why he wants me to move with him?


After a month? That's madness.


Maybe she is one of many women he has in "his" homes all over the world.

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Hi Clio,


Thank you for that, I appreciate your advice. The fact that he denied that he got a family is a total crap. I know he will deny it. But, what I want is to ruin him as well, I don't want to settle only at this level, he needs to pay for all the wasted time I spent with him. I have trust issues and I investigate like a CIA/FBI, lol, sorry for him coz I find $#it by myself and I will not just stop without him suffering, I just don't know how.


mamawander, I understand your frustration but you will gain nothing by seeking revenge. The best form of "revenge" is to cut him out of your life and move on as quickly as possible. You only knew him a month. You are still well within the time frame of getting to know someone. You found out in good time what a liar he was. It's not like you have wasted years and years with this guy. Don't let him do this to you.

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It's a shame she is being deceived by this man too (and maybe others) but you won't be doing yourself any favours by getting involved in their messy business. You would probably come out looking the worst for it even if your intentions were honourable. Worry about yourself. Forget him and his web of lies. He will get caught up in them soon enough. No reason for you too aswell.

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I cant believe you even ask what to do. You need to leave him and this awful situation. Why would you put up with this? You need to pack up your stuff and leave. He doesnt deserve an explanation. Your desire for revenge is a waste of energy, it will solve nothing. Block this guy from ever contacting you again.

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Thank you for all the replies and advices, I appreciate it all. I blocked him with all the reachable numbers and social apps, and I got an offer from another firm and I am moving to another home as well. If in case he will try to harm me, police will be around for sure. I will not give him the chance and advantage to hurt me, shame on me if I will allow him to do that. Liars like him will never change. Shukran!

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