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"I called asking him what's going on why haven't you talked to me? And he said he was to live his life and doesn't want a relationship."


"I haven't heard from him since then."


"He told his mom seeing me won't change anything."


"I told him to call me yesterday but he never did."


THIS is the page he's on.


I think he's made it abundantly clear what page he's on.


Since he says he won't have much time, I think he's planning on a hookup, IF he actually does follow through with seeing you.

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Accept that he isn't interested in being in a relationship. Stop calling, stop texting and stop asking him to call or text you.


Good news is you never met in person so you didn't form more of an attachment.


You're better off waiting to meet a guy you don't have to try to convince to meet or spend time with you.

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But I wanna meet with him


I asked this before, you didn't answer, but what story are you telling yourself that makes this all acceptable to you, so mch so that you still want to meet him? Does that story consist of you somehow convincing yourself that he is into you, that he gives a crap? If it is, sorry but you are deluding yourself, he doesn't. This very obvious to us but you can't or don't want to see it because you like/love him so you will create stories in your head which are nothing more than wishful thinking or projecting YOUR feeling on to him.


Meanwhile he either is or or has already lost all respect for you because, and this has been said a million times, no man will respect you unless and until you respect yourself first. By tolerating the nonsense from him, you are not respecting yourself, you are behaving very foolishly and stupidly and HE knows it.


If he does end up meeting you, expect that he will want sex because he is in a dry spell and horny (not for you specifically) but hey your there so why not. And depending how good it is may or may not contact you again. How utterly debasing and you must not have a very high opinion of yourself if you fall for that.

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But I wanna meet with him


You are only hurting yourself. He now knows your weaknesses and is just keeping you there for no reason whatsoever. You've never met him so you're lucky you are able to cut him off. Go NC please and get your sanity back as waiting around makes you question your own sanity!!!

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You dont want to hear what you should hear, you are waiting to hear what you want to hear... so here it goes.


YES.. wait for him, in fact call him and his family every single day and pester him to the point that he gives in and is forced to give you attention. A guy loves that! He is only playing hard to get anyway and lets face it, real love is over rated and for suckers only. When he tells you that he doesnt want a relationship or that seeing you wont change a thing, what he means is bother me to the point that I get so angry at you that I am forced to fall in love with you. He is just keeping his distance so not to fall in love with you. He is so close to actually falling in love with you. Im sure he does nothing but think of you all day and you calling his mom and sister really makes him smile.


You are so lucky to have found the perfect relationship. You two are on the same page always and the communication is un matched by any couple. His devotion to you knows no bounds and all other couples should look to what you and this guy have. No doubt that you two will be happy together. Cheers!!

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