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I don't know what to do

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My ex broke up with me 2 month ago over a petty row like we always have we usually make up within days and usually I beg plead etc but this time I decided to give her space etc and went no contact she text me two days after the break up saying she would always love me but can't do this with me anymore and blocked me on social media I didn't respond and kept the no contact Going she would put up quotes on pinterest digs at me saying I was full of crap and it wasn't love type quotes they hurt but I still made no contact today its 2 months since we split and she messages me saying did I still want the ticket to the concert we booked before we split i thought she go with someone else she said it's mine if I want it It's my fave group and I've never been to see them so I said yes she then warned me that she has no intention of talking about anything with me it's just a concert then she leaving to go home i said yes ok i understand it's just a concert and that was four hours ago haven't heard anything since its really messed my head as I love her very deeply and I dont know what this all means and I don't want to make mistake and not act the right way don't wanna read In to it but don't wanna appear not interested i really feel lost here

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She reached out about the concert and suggested you use the ticket. Enjoy the concert but respect the boundaries.


Pull back and be confident and friendly, that's it. If after the concert she contacts you, take it from there.

she messages me saying did I still want the ticket to the concert we booked before we split i thought she go with someone else she said it's mine if I want it It's my fave group and I've never been to see them so I said yes. she then warned me that she has no intention of talking about anything with me it's just a concert then she leaving to go home
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Honestly, I feel that she misses you.


Why else would she contact you out of the blue over a concert that was meant for you both to go to together?


I don't want to put my foot in my mouth, but I feel that she would have just offered them back to you, sold them or possibly go with someone else, if she did not care for you anymore.


She cares about you and is playing hard to get; is how this seems to me and her saying things like "I don't want to talk, this is just a concert blah blahdeblah" is just a sneaky way to try and get you to talk, so that you are the one to initiate something.


Use extreme caution, as mind games like cat and mouse with a man and women can be mentally exhausting and a shot to the solar plexus.

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I'm so.confused she called today asking if I had sent her an easter Egg in the post I said I hadn't and she said are you sure I said I promise I haven't sent anything so she then says it' must be from My boss then as I put in the board I wanted a Malteser egg and I got one in the post I said well mystery solved then she asked how I was in said I was ok she said good and that she was ok i asked how work and college was she said good and that she got exam coming I said good luck etc and she said thanks then went quiet in her voice I asked if she was okay and she said I'm gonna go now i said ok and she hung up ten mins later she messages saying I'm really glad your okay I truely wish you all the best tc

I didnt know what to reply so I didnt I was still shaken up that she had called

Then tonight she puts up a pin on pinterest which says I would not survive you a second time - a eight word plea to stay gone this time


What does that mean why she call

Does she not realise how much this is hurting I never wanted it to be over

I feel like she just wanted to see if she felt anything hearing my voice and now she feels she can live without me

Its breaking my heart I'm a mess

I just don't know how to respond to any of this without pushing her further away

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  • 2 weeks later...

She called to sort out where we staying as the concert finishes too late to get home by train it was all pleasent I took into account we were over and suggested a room each but she said they expensive so I said click twin beds etc and she launched into a angry rant about about how it wouldnt be a double bed as we are over and that she doesn't wanna re connect and if I think for a second I'm gonna try something she not coming etc and obviously it has to be twin beds and she rather not even be in my company just she wants me to experience the concert and I dnt have anyone else who I can take which is true nobody I know wants to go as its not their type of music I offered not too go and let her take someone else but she said no .I said calm down I'm not trying to get back wih you I was merely suggesting twin beds I am fully aware we are over and done with and your reaction was over the top she told me to f off and hung up i haven't contacted her and she hasn't me so I have no idea what is going on anymore

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wow, she's being super emotional. sounds like she hasn't gotten over you yet and is on edge. it doesn't sound like your going to be able to please her. I would just stick to one work answers and keep quite the rest of the time. smile to show that your enjoying your self but saying words is going to set her off. I'm sorry man, she's really being rough on you.

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It's hard to let go when we fell out over nothing really just a petty row and hour before the row she was telling her best mate how she gonna marry me that I'm her soul mate and how deeply she loved me

Then after the row she don't want nothing to do with me and says we are done for good and she doesn't want to ever reconnect

I just can't get my head around how we were inseparable for 3 years now just nothing

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Still in no contact unfortunately I think she has started seeing someone so it's gonna be a heart crusher going to the concert with her I'm actually dreading it i wish she just kept the tickets and took her new partner I've given up any thoughts of her coming back to me she has no interest and seeing someone else is the nail in the coffin for me i just need to heal some how

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