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My ex contacted me inviting me to coffee


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We were together 2 years, we are both young adults, and it was the first serious, long term relationship for both of us.


He dumped me last summer. We reconciled after a month because he wanted it but we split again shortly after.


We didn't quite end it on good terms, I was upset at him but wanted him back. He was clearly caring about me lesser than me.


He initiated contact in December, wanting to chat with me, because he missed talking to me, that is what he told me. But I sort of responded coldly and ended the conversation. It was clear that I didn't want to talk to him.


After so many months, a couple of days ago, he texted me randomly at 6 am, asking me if he can buy me a coffee.


I was quite surprised. I didn't respond immediately, I let some hours pass and then I asked him if something happened. He said no. But that was all. Then I declined the invitation saying that if he wants to tell me something, he could do it here. He said ok.


I didn't heard of him. Then the guilt sentiment kicked in and I texted him asking how was he, what has he been up to lately. He responded with cold short texts. It was clear that he didn't want to talk and so I stopped not wanting to force a conversation.


What was this? Some sort of regretted booty call? Or a genuinely invitation and he was just being vain because I rejected him?

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Sorry to hear this. Yes it's nonsense. Agree he may want contact during a dry spell or someone new just dumped him. You're smart to shut him down.


Perhaps now is the time to block and delete him for good. These cryptic contacts are holding you back at some level.

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Yeah...that is my thought too. Still, knowing that he is very vain and that I rejected him quite on spot, I keep wondering...I told him that I don't see the point in seeing eachother and if he wants to tell me something, he can texts. I was kind of rude.

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Yeah...that is my thought too. Still, knowing that he is very vain and that I rejected him quite on spot, I keep wondering...I told him that I don't see the point in seeing eachother and if he wants to tell me something, he can texts. I was kind of rude.


After second breakup, I'd be rude, too.

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