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Seeing ex with someone else

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Like I said in my last post up until last weekend I thought we were on good terms and had a mutual respect for one another. Obviously something changed in the last week and he is showing he is a jerk but really it's all out of nowhere. I never thought I would have negative feelings towards him. But I took all advice and unfollowed on Instagram and deleted on Snapchat.


He's moved on because the relationship has ended, he isn't being a jerk..you are being a stalker and its doing you no good

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He's moved on because the relationship has ended, he isn't being a jerk..you are being a stalker and its doing you no good


Excuse me? Don't think you read my previous thread... and definitely not stalking him. I deleted him off social media up yesterday... and before that he was always "liking" my posts, watching my stories-that doesn't make someone a stalker and I'm certainly not because I viewed a photo on an app lol. Most people would say texting someone one day asking them to come have sex and then posting a picture with a girl a few days later is being a jerk not just to me but to the new girl as well... but you must have different morals.

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