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Why does my ex want to keep coming around every couple days?

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My ex broke up with me month back and we talked everyday after the that until the last couple weeks we've been distant from talking she has a new boyfriend now but says she doesn't. But the last couple weeks every 4 days she has been coming to my house and all we do is set out in her car and talk and she occasionally tickles me.. but when it was her choice to break up why does she keep coming around? When I see her everything can turn 180 and I'm so happy but when she leaves I'm back depressed.

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Oh no, set boundaries! This cannot be tolerated of people who choose to not to be a part of our lives anymore. If she wants you back, she will just have to come clean and say it. And it is up to you if you do want that. But right now, the pattern is like you guys are still together.

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Im in such a depressed mood right now over her. but we don't kiss or anything we hug and it's like that she doesn't want let go of me. but we will go so long without talking and bam she will call and say come outside. but what I cannot understand is why she keeps doing this when she has boyfriend.

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Because she wants to keep you as backup plan, in case her new prospect doesn't work out. Unless you want to become her second choice and wait around for the next shoe to drop, it would be in your best interest to move on.


Taking back your self-respect can work wonders.

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She likes the attention.


My question: why would you allow someone who dumped you, and who is dating another, to contact you? Where is your self esteem?


You should have gone NC and blocked her long ago. This is silly!

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Im in such a depressed mood right now over her. but we don't kiss or anything we hug and it's like that she doesn't want let go of me. but we will go so long without talking and bam she will call and say come outside. but what I cannot understand is why she keeps doing this when she has boyfriend.


She did let go of you, when she dumped you, and started in with another. You are giving her a huge ego boost, by being available to her. Dude, she has no respect for you.

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It's weird. Why does she want to be friends after breaking up and now having a bf? What caused the breakup?

but we will go so long without talking and bam she will call and say come outside. but what I cannot understand is why she keeps doing this when she has boyfriend.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with Hollyj. She is desperate for attention and knows that she can get it easily from you. Maybe her new boyfriend is not as affectionate as she would like yet, so she is looking for double attention. However, when another guy is going to fulfill her need for attention she is gonna stop looking for you, or just reappear when things get hard. You deserve better. Ignore her and move on.

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