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Girlfriend / mother issue


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My girlfriend hates my mother. We have a very complicated relationship. My girlfriend is also my ex fiancé. We were engaged for only a month. We dated on and off for 4 years. After 6 months of being broken up, we decided to try one last time. When we ended the engagement, there was some family issues causing the hate towards my mother. My mother is a great mother but my girlfriend doesn't want me to spend Mother's Day with my mom. My girlfriend wants me to take my mom out for dinner on the Saturday before Mother's Day so I could spend the Sunday with her family and her mom. My girlfriend constantly tells me I have to put her family over mine. I love my girlfriend and I love mother. I don't know what to do.

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Unfortunately you had it right the first time when you broke up and called this whole thing off.


She's being controlling and selfish. Is this why it was on/off and so turbulent?


This is a deal-breaker 04;6787426] my girlfriend doesn't want me to spend Mother's Day with my mom.


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Your mom. For sure.


Whatever issues your gf has with her, it's your mom and if you want to spend Mother's Day with her, she should at the very least stand out of the way and support that, not try to keep you from her.


This one last try may be just that. Your gf is sounding controlling.

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Uh well your gf is not your mom. Anyone who asks you to put THEIR family above yours...dude you are headed for misery. That happened to my brother. He was forced to shove his family out and everything was about her and her family. Guess what? He ended up abused and controlled. Seriously, there is a reason you broke up a few times. It is about putting her family first.... RUN!

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Oh heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no.


You should have just laughed when she made that suggestion. Full on. Like 5 minutes straight laughter. Then if she walks out of the room, you call her and keep laughing. Then when she hangs up, you send a big text with "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha."


Because that woman is a ****ing comedian if I've ever seen one. Making you choose between her and your own mother on Mother's Day. Comedy.


Sometimes I'm for real jealous of people who somehow find themselves in these situations. You were GIFTED an opportunity to be a perfectly justified ***hole. And you squandered it. I WISH I was so lucky.

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I found the easiest way to solve those things is to alternate. One year you go to your mother's on Mother's Day and the next year you go to her mother's on Mother's Day. Another way is for you each to go see your respective mother's on Mother's Day. There's ways to solve these things if people really want to, but your gf wants everything her way, so good luck with that!

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Oh heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell no.


You should have just laughed when she made that suggestion. Full on. Like 5 minutes straight laughter. Then if she walks out of the room, you call her and keep laughing. Then when she hangs up, you send a big text with "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha."


Because that woman is a ****ing comedian if I've ever seen one. Making you choose between her and your own mother on Mother's Day. Comedy.


Sometimes I'm for real jealous of people who somehow find themselves in these situations. You were GIFTED an opportunity to be a perfectly justified ***hole. And you squandered it. I WISH I was so lucky.


I almost died laughing when I read this. Literally spit up water on my darn phone! Hahahahahahaha sassy!

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Ewww... what a biznatch. If you did actually choose to go to her Moms house over your own Mom, what kind of a man would you be? Yup... pulling your man card here. You should seriously start considering whether Miss Thang is a right fit into YOUR family. Turn it around for goodness sake and tell her to save her damn drama for her own Mamma and not to put you in a position where you have to feel torn about it. What a ridiculous person she is.

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She's controlling and has no right to be demanding that you place your own Mother on the back shelf, that's actually pretty horrible that she would even suggest that.

Your family is YOUR family, do not let this person belittle that or make any of them less important or force you to choose. If that's the case, tell her bye bye and don't ever look back.

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