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Well there's this close guy friend I have whom I really really like. And I kinda think he likes me back too? He pokes fun of me a lot and although he pokes fun of a lot of other people he doesn't quite do it the same way he does to me? Like he's a little meaner with me but it's still at the point where it's obvious he doesn't mean harm and he's just teasing. He makes eye contact with me a lot during class and we always giggle when our eyes meet. I think(???) I've caught him looking at me a few times but I'm not too sure cuz I only see it through my peripherals. And overall he just..treats me differently than any other girl. I really think he likes me but I just . Idk I feel kinda doubtful sometimes cuz I mean why would he like me? I'm overweight and there are plenty of prettier girls at school than me. I mean I have a nice personality, I think 😂 But that's all I have to offer idk I just I'm really confused. Please help lol.

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Do you think being mean a good sign? Is he bullying you?

Like he's a little meaner with me but it's still at the point where it's obvious he doesn't mean harm and he's just teasing.He makes eye contact with me a lot during class and we always giggle when our eyes meet. I'm overweight and there are plenty of prettier girls at school than me.
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