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Not sure what to do


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Backstory- couple years ago mom hocked the title to her suv, I withdrew the money from my account and paid it off and gave her the title back thinkin she had learned her lesson. Early teal season rolls around she tells me she's done it again. This time instead of just paying it off I get her a loan in my name of course bc her credit is crap, that she says she can pay so the title will be tied up and she can't hock it again. On through the end of regular duck season she pays part of the payment. Fast forward to day before yesterday she sends me a text telling me she will no longer pay the note bc she has to get her cat fixed and declawed and made it clear that she was done paying the note on it and it's on me now.

First question why would any one screw over their own family like that? Granted it ain't the first time she's done it, she's "borrowed" i.e. Cleaned out a joint savings account we had that I was contributing to as in I was the only one contributing to it.

Second should I just go get the suv amd sell the thing?

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And just to add she can't drive anyhow she's down to 76lbs, refuses treatment which would kill her anyway, but just insists that just by thinking she's gonna get better the cancer will just up and go away just by the power of positive thinkin. All I'm positive on is that ain't happenin. I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure not gettin treatment ain't helpin

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Very sorry about your mom. It sounds like she is not interested in keeping the suv. Given that she is not willing to pay for it, selling it sounds reasonable. Based on her overall behaviour it sounds like she is not in the best state of mind in terms of making decisions. As you stated, she has done similar things in the past so this is not totally out of character. In addition, if the cancer has been left untreated, it might have spread to the point that it affects her brain. There is no easy answer to such situations. She has a right to refuse treatment but from now on you need to keep your finances separate. Palliative care is probably the best thing for her. It was very kind of you to try to help, but from now on you need to do it in a way that will not drag you down financially in such a way. Her judgment is impaired so you need to take that into consideration in your future decisions.

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First question why would any one screw over their own family like that?


Some people are just like that, plain and simple.


Second should I just go get the suv amd sell the thing?




You feel a sense of obligation, and her having cancer probably makes you feel that even more. But for your own peace of mind, you should keep her at arm's length financially. Sell the car and provide only non-financial support from now on.

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I'm very sorry about your mom It's very sad and like others suggested, I think the illness would also affect her decisions. I also find it sad that this seems to be a pattern with her; it's not the way I would want to treat my own children.


Illness or not, I do believe you should get the SUV and keep your finances separate for self-protection. Good luck with everything.

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