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Your dream job(s)?


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Ideally, I wouldn't work. But that feels like a cop out.


I've actually really gotten into the stock market. I'd love to make it a full-time gig, doing research into different companies and industries to make an educated gamble.


Or, if it wouldn't be a gigantic pay cut and my back wouldn't hate me for it before I even turned 40, I'd love to go back to a warehouse, throwing boxes, stacking pallets, operating a forklift. Haven't done it in years, but it was by far my favorite.

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When I was about seven, I told my father I wanted to be a landscape architect when I grew up. He told me "there are no women landscape architects".


Way to be supportive there, Father!


I love gardening but I have the thumb of death. Plants hate me.


I also got to bottle feed a baby harp seal when I was a teenager. I could totally see myself being a caretaker at an aquarium.

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Ideally, I wouldn't work. But that feels like a cop out.


I've actually really gotten into the stock market. I'd love to make it a full-time gig, doing research into different companies and industries to make an educated gamble.


Or, if it wouldn't be a gigantic pay cut and my back wouldn't hate me for it before I even turned 40, I'd love to go back to a warehouse, throwing boxes, stacking pallets, operating a forklift. Haven't done it in years, but it was by far my favorite.


I did that a couple of years ago. It made me incredibly fit. I had almost no body fat and I developed incredible guns. Then I got promoted. No more physical labor. Goodbye guns.

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if it wouldn't be a gigantic pay cut and my back wouldn't hate me for it before I even turned 40, I'd love to go back to a warehouse, throwing boxes, stacking pallets, operating a forklift. Haven't done it in years, but it was by far my favorite.


I went from a warehouse job to an office job thinking my back would now be safer, after 18 years in a office job sitting down, I can tell you sitting down working has taken it's toll.

Shoulder and neck pain. A massage therapist found more knots in my upper torso than on a cruise ship.

From a posture and body health perspective, moving around a warehouse on foot is a really great gig, but ya, usually requires a pay cut.


Good luck on the stock picks.

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Years ago I got to play "catch" with a young dolphin. It was so much fun! He would toss the ball to me with his snout, then I'd toss it back to him. And if I looked away for a second, he's squeak at me as if to say "hey buddy, pay attention!" So much fun!

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