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I dunno I'm doing.


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Ok so I'm buzzing but I want to post here. I broke up with my fiancée on the 5th. I wasn't feeling the relationship for a long time. I broke it off because I felt continuing would be unfair to her. So I ask a girl from the salon across the way from me for her number. She gives it to me. I'm texting her pretty much non stop since I got the number, I even kiss her when she's closing the salon, well she kisses me but yeah basically she's into me. A couple days later, a beautiful girl who's my friend on Snapchat messages me because she's drunk saying we should do something, I'm like this is great! I take her out a few days later and it goes pretty well. No kiss though but still, it went alright. A couple days later, I go over to her house because coincidentally she lives like 2 minutes away and she needs help with her dogs. I help and I hang out afterwards. We make out and are grinding and stuff. It's great.

Only people problem is I don't know what the hell im doing, I've never done this before! I feel guilty texting two women at the same time! I'm a mess too! I'm constantly wondering when the time comes, if I'll be able to "perform", I couldn't maintain when I was making out with both women! is wrong with me? Why am I overthinking this? Why am I thinking thes thoughts? I feel like I should just avoid sex for the rest of my life because I don't feel confident enough to perform. And if I can't perform, they'll tell their friends and I'll be a sexual pariah. No woman will want to put up with it. Should I just end it all right now?

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