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he dumped me so why is he so mean?


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Me and my ex-bf are 17. We have been dating for 14 months. He dumped me out of the blue 3 weeks ago because he wanted to date other girls. I am crushed, I thought things were going well but I guess not. He said he wanted to stay friends but I said no. I blocked him on social media right away and he did the same to me. But then I found out that he facetimed my bestie the night he broke up with me and he cried to her. She also showed me his posts from that night showing himself crying and being sad. And then when I saw him at school the next day and he went out of his way to say hello to my bestie but ignored me completely! He has been facetiming her regularly since he dumped me. I am upset that he is now trying to be friends with her when before he always used to hate her for taking away my time. I also don't understand why he is so upset when he was the one who wanted to break up.


I saw him at a event for our vball team this last Saturday and he was flaunting this new girl the whole time. I was blindsided but tried my best to ignore them. I was saying to a teammate to be careful using some crayons because they break easily. I wasn't even talking to him when he snapped at me "they are not your crayons" Then yesterday my bestie sent me a screenshot of his post saying how happy he is that our relationship has ended because it was abusive. It made me soooo mad! It was not abusive at all. We fought but I always helped him with school and other things. His mom always said that I am the most thoughtful kid she's ever met. Why he is trashing our relationship? It makes me so sad.


I really loved him (still do). We were each others first everything. Sometimes I think I want him back but idk today I am just mad at him. I try hard to ignore him and I don't talk to him but he has texted me a few times. He says still wants to be friends but I've already told him I can't so thats why I mostly don't respond or I say something short and polite. Do you think he regrets breaking up with me?

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I think he has already moved on emotionally from you and wants to make sure you are okay. You are young and you are going to meet A LOT of guys and you will find one that makes you smile and you two will date.

You are doing the right thing by not wanting to be his friend. Last thing you need to hear is how great his new GF is. What will help you now and in the future is learning how to accept and let things go. He was your first, but wont be your last or wont be your best. You are going to meet guys that are WAYYYY better than this guy.

If I can say anything to you is that you just be yourself, dont play this game where you avoid him because he doesnt care. He is too into this girl to know that you are playing a game. Do what makes you happy, spoil yourself and find that smile. When you do, youll see what amazing things happen to you.

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Sorry to hear this happened. You did the right thing going no contact and blocking him and not agreeing to being friends.


Why is your friend moving in on him and telling you all this? You should avoid this friend who has nothing better to do than rub stuff in your face that she gathers from him. Sounds like a frenemy.


Ignore and avoid him at school. Get a new hairstyle, clothes, work out, join groups, clubs, organisations, be friendly and smile at everyone and have fun. Bring dates to school when possible.

He dumped me out of the blue 3 weeks ago because he wanted to date other girls. I saw him at school the next day and he went out of his way to say hello to my bestie but ignored me completely! my bestie sent me a screenshot of his post saying how happy he is that our relationship has ended because it was abusive.
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My ex dumped me about 6 weeks ago and said it was about him leaving for college and how hard it will be on us when he leaves but it was really because another girl was flirting with him and he's with her now. We dated 14 months too! What is it about a year that makes them want to move on!? At least your ex is trying to make sure you're okay. Mine has never contacted me again. We need to let them go if they want to date others. Just ignore him. They want our attention still because of their egos and they'll do anything to get it. Mine has done some really mean things too. Getting super jealous over a rumor that I was going on a date with someone and he's the one who cheated on me and is still dating that same girl! They are so immature. We just need to forget them and make our lives better without them. It's very hard but it will get better.

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