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Does my brother fren likes me?


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I have a cousin brother.we both are very close.I'm his favourite sister.I went to visit him one day.He kept showing his fren pic and tell about him.one day he showed his fren pic and said he want his fren to marry me.he was cute.when he say this he was messaging his fren.i was surprised when my bro tells me this.he is very protective of me.his fren noe me well.my bro and he will always talk about me.he had seen me in pics with my bro.After a few days,my bro sent me his fren pic and inform me he is coming in a Tv show.I saw it and he was super cute.a year ago I bought watch for my bro and he fren commented and joke if I bought anything for him.I know its a joke.does his fren likes me??he is same age as me and his rest of his frens are younger than him.

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I have a cousin brother.we both are very close.I'm his favourite sister.I went to visit him one day.He kept showing his fren pic and tell about him.one day he showed his fren pic and said he want his fren to marry me.he was cute.when he say this he was messaging his fren.i was surprised when my bro tells me this.he is very protective of me.his fren noe me well.my bro and he will always talk about me.he had seen me in pics with my bro.After a few days,my bro sent me his fren pic and inform me he is coming in a Tv show.I saw it and he was super cute.a year ago I bought watch for my bro and he fren commented and joke if I bought anything for him.I know its a joke.does his fren likes me??he is same age as me and his rest of his frens are younger than him.

Not sure I understand, but what's a "cousin brother"? Do you mean you have a brother? Or a cousin?


As to the rest, there is nothing very obvious which would indicate he likes you. It just sounds like a group of friends hanging out. How old are you?


P.S. Please don't use net speak - makes it difficult to understand. Thanks.

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Not sure I understand, but what's a "cousin brother"? Do you mean you have a brother? Or a cousin?


As to the rest, there is nothing very obvious which would indicate he likes you. It just sounds like a group of friends hanging out. How old are you?


P.S. Please don't use net speak - makes it difficult to understand. Thanks.


I could be wrong and English is not my mother tongue, but I think she's referring to a direct cousin (does this term exist in English?). Like the son of a brother or sister of her father or mother. Now I don't know what is a "fren"... is it a friend?


I'm a bit confused. How old are you and the "fren"?

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Hi there.Thank you for the reply! 23 this year.he is my aunt's son.so he is not my own brother.so he is my cousin brother.its not a group of frens.its only one of his fren.I suspect he likes me becos my bro said he wants us to get married.i dont know the reason why he said this.its could be just my brother's opinion or My brother friend is hitting on me.Thats the reason my brother said like this.my brother is the type of person who never introduce his frens to me and always protect me.I'm confused!

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My brother and his friend are staying together.i am staying in different country from them.So we never met before.But know each other because my brother will tell about me to him and also tell about him to me.



Ok, this is getting more and more confusing.


* You live in a different country.


* You have never met him.


* Your cousin wants this guy to marry you.


My mind is spinning. ](*,)

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We are 23 this year.


If he never interacted directly with you and only through what your cousin tells him and vice versa, you two don't know each other, so that's not enough to like each other or an indicator that a possible relationship is in the horizon. You'd have to get to know him better and interact in person without your cousin always in the middle of it.

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Let me explain.My brother and I are staying in different country.He and his friend are staying together.Both are college mates.Last year I came to visit him to his house.He was having holidays at that time.At that time he showed his friend picture and said he wants us to marry.I do not know if its my brother's intention or his friend's intention.when he said this he was actually messaging his friend.He said that he and his friend will always talk about me.He said he told many things about me to his friend.The friend had seen me in pictures.I gifted a watch for My brother.My brother said his friend joked if I bought anything for him.After my vacation I returned home.My brother send his friend picture and informed me he is coming in a Tv show.im confused if his friend likes me.

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Let me explain.My brother and I are staying in different country.He and his friend are staying together.Both are college mates.Last year I came to visit him to his house.He was having holidays at that time.At that time he showed his friend picture and said he wants us to marry.I do not know if its my brother's intention or his friend's intention.when he said this he was actually messaging his friend.He said that he and his friend will always talk about me.He said he told many things about me to his friend.The friend had seen me in pictures.I gifted a watch for My brother.My brother said his friend joked if I bought anything for him.After my vacation I returned home.My brother send his friend picture and informed me he is coming in a Tv show.im confused if his friend likes me.

I don't know how the friend can like you when he has never met you.


I find it a little disturbing that your cousin discusses you with this friend, and shares your pictures with him too. Even worse, wants this guy to marry you. Your cousin should seriously butt out with his crap (sorry).


So, to finally answer your question: The friend has never met you, talked to you, and has only seen your picture. Does he like you? He may like your picture, but that's about it.

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But why do you care if a guy you don't know in person likes you and why does it matter that your brother/cousin wants you to marry a guy you never even met in person or talked with? At the most it is kind of creepy that your cousin/brother says that and is showing pictures of you to a guy you don't know and talking about you all the time.

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He is my brother close n best friend.So of cause they would talk about each others family members and seen each other pictures in their phone.My brother is very protective.He will not show my personal pictures to anyone.He will only show pictures we took in a family party to his friend.This is coincidental and not intentional.And friends would have talk about each other family.At that time he would have said to his friend like what Im studying..etc..etc..Of cause we will talk about our siblings to our friends.everything here is coincidental.

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is this a cultural thing? is it common for family to arrange marriages for girls where you live?


either way, i would highly suggest you don't think too much about a person you've never met, much less marry them.


I was thinking and probably this is something cultural, yes. It sounds like she comes from a culture with arranged marriages and strong protection from male family members.


Even so it's necessary to be cautious, only you can decide who's better for you and that decision should only be made after meeting them in person for a good amount of time.

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