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Afterlife or Naw


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I would like to get some opinions on what happens after you die. This is a very controversial topic. Recently, I have become very interested in how different people view the end of life. What do you think happens when you die? Nothing? Heaven? Sleep4ever? Please share as I'd love to hear a diverse range of thoughts.

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Im not as God person. So my rational side thinks you just die. Basically go to bed 1 day and that's it. We all have a desire to keep going that's a human trait but really what does it matter if we just don't exist anymore? It only matters to the people we leave behind.


Now the universe is so beyond what we thought 1000s of years ago. So maybe there really could be something that we can't even comprehend. So there is that chance.


Or there is another one that I've been thinking of latally. Yes I do think about this from time to time. What if we are just part of a higher consciousness. Meaning what if you created something it is unaware of you. It documents you knows all your actions and what you have done. Since it created you, it basically is you. Eventually you die. You served a purpose to it you aren't forgotten cause you are a part of something else. I don't know if that makes any sense.


I guess a better example if you wrote a story about somone. The person in the story could have a full life on the pages then die. But are they really dead cause they are a part of the writter.


If we are just information then hopefully there's an interpreter.


Point is no one knows.

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I believe some part of us still exists after death. What that might be, where we go, what we do, I can't say. That's not a religious view. It's based on my own experiences in life and yes death of those close to me. I'm confident in saying we don't go into nothing.


But whatever it is, we will all get an answer when we go. Shakespeare summed it up quite nicely: "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. "

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