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Anti most social media


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I refuse to have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest. I have a LinkedIn account and post on here but that's it. Life seems better in so many ways without these things! Anyone else out there in the modern world who feels the same and, in fact, doesn't have these either? Just curious!

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I don't see the point of any of them for person-to-person interaction. For larger social causes they are important elements of our culture. Pinterest I won't use out of principle, since they require an account to view any of their content or else they block the whole screen with a huge banner.

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Facebook for occasional (once every week or so for 10 minutes) browsing

LinkedIn (strictly to build my networking pool for career) check one every few weeks.


IMO, too many revolve their life around social media and like anything in life.... there has to be a balance.


I saw a couple in their 20's at a restaurant next to us and felt a little sad that they couldn't just have a face to face conversation. Maybe I'm getting a little long in the tooth, but I love meeting with friends in a restaurant, so fun to catch up. my phone stays in my pocket on silent, but others still keep their phones out.

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Only have a Pinterest account for home decor and gardening ideas. I started one for a wedding until I realize those picture posts are for brides who's parents didn't mind chucking $20K for a one day party.


Facebook has too many cucks. Not worth my time posting. I'm a people watcher.


Also stay away from Reddit. That place gives me eye cancer with their level of stupidity.

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I know that was just a funny expression but it was what happened to Jeff Healey, I just learned that he had eye cancer as a child. Sad.


Buddy, this ain't a SJW hangout. That's what Reddit is for.

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