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My ex and I broke up and are in no contact

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So last tuesday my girlfriend and I broke up. We are both 20 and believe in God. So I'll dive in, I went to take my asvab 2 weeks ago a week prior to the breakup. I failed. Anyway I new something was off with my girlfriend at the time. She's been not responsive as much to me for that weekend it started Saturday and till Tuesday of when we broke up. I was told that she wanted me to be sucessful and she wants to focus on school. She then told me to move to Texas to be with my family and to get schooling under my belt and to focus on me. Which yes I'm doing and we are currently in no contact. So I'm in Texas she's in st.louis missouri. Missing her like crazy I seen someone tell me she is seeing somebody now I don't know but I was shown two pictures one with her cousin at fuzzys and another with some guy in the same place. Now I'm not sure if this was the youth group or what not. I don't know it just confuses me how she would tell me to go be with my family get going with school get my life together and then tell me if it's meant to be. It's meant to be. Why lie to me and have me find out and actually hurt me even more. Again I don't know if it's a rebound relationship or if it's even a relationship at all. I want this girl back we've been together for 3.7 years and I just wish I can go back and fix what I did wrong. Some help and cope would be nice thanks.

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Ok, the best thing you can do is a win-win situation. Focus on yourself. Try college or other career training. Can you retake the asvab? Go to the library and look at career options and study guides for that.


Pick up your self image and self confidence. Work out, get a few new clothes and a new haircut. Update your social media with pics and interesting posts. Join some clubs and groups, volunteer.


Why? It's the best thing for you and when you have a goal, a purpose and a direction it makes you more attractive to all women, not just her. Stay no contact and don't worry about her social media pics. Wait for her to contact you and keep posting your goals and activities on social media.

I was told that she wanted me to be sucessful and she wants to focus on school. I'm doing and we are currently in no contact.
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Ok, the best thing you can do is a win-win situation. Focus on yourself. Try college or other career training. Can you retake the asvab? Go to the library and look at career options and study guides for that.


Pick up your self image and self confidence. Work out, get a few new clothes and a new haircut. Update your social media with pics and interesting posts. Join some clubs and groups, volunteer.


Why? It's the best thing for you and when you have a goal, a purpose and a direction it makes you more attractive to all women, not just her. Stay no contact and don't worry about her social media pics. Wait for her to contact you and keep posting your goals and activities on social media.

Yes I can retake the asvab but I'm going that after I get my college degree. I am playing soccer, working out having as much fun as I can it just hurted me when I found out my ex may have rebounded and found some other dude.

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Hearing about what she's doing is only going to hurt you more. I'd ask friends not to talk to you about her for a while so you can heal. I think she was trying to let you down easy by using trite cliches like "if it's meant to be it will happen."

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Hearing about what she's doing is only going to hurt you more. I'd ask friends not to talk to you about her for a while so you can heal. I think she was trying to let you down easy by using trite cliches like "if it's meant to be it will happen."

Well it's whatever she wants I won't interfere in her life choices. I have school, work, soccer to worry about. If she wants me back she can have me back but she'll need to prove to me. I just don't understand why make promises to marry me and what not.

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