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why are we really on enotalone?


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I think that is entirely the wrong attitude to have about this site, and I must say that I am more than a little offended. Perhaps you know everything there is to know about social interaction, relationships and life in general, but some of us actually feel as though we can learn and benefit from the insights of others (I know, pathetic isn't it?).

I found this site to be extraordinarily helpful during a rough and lonely time in my life, as do many others. Sometimes just knowing you are not the only one to be going through something can provide a world of comfort and relief. Do you deny all of us the right to feel as though we are not alone?

You are right, many of us are not sure how to fix our problems, which is why we come to this site. Fortunately, we live in a society where seeking the support of others is not denigrated. But support groups are not always available to everyone and typically not for some of the smaller, day-to-day problems that everyone experiences from time to time.

I think it's wonderful that this site exists as an anonymous place where people don't have to worry about being judged for having questions about relationships, sexuality or other sensitive issues of a personal and private nature. Even though there are some who respond to posts in a less than productive way, for the most part, the people who post responses are offering an experienced or educated answer to a question that a poster might not otherwise have access to.

The majority of people on this site are not *complaining*, they are genuinely seeking insight and advice on their problems or concerns. I have a life, it just doesn't involve the denigration of one of the few positive resources available on the internet.

I hope your post does not have the effect of alienating already timid members of the site, and I would strongly encourage you to reconsider your post, and have some sensitivity to those of us who don't know everything about everything.

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You have a good way of explaining things, but the thing is. When life gets really rough is one thing, but when people are complaining about relationships constantly, Well it gets pretty tiring. I found this site through wanting relationship help, and tryed following someone elses opinion on what I should do.


And it made it worse.. Some people just need to learn how to accept things how they are.

If a person in the early years, before computers and such were invented, how do u think they solved lifes little problems? They dealt with it with the best of their ability. They didnt become co dependent on a site. It just gets tiring and i apologize, but some people dont even have the time for this stuff and to be waiting and waiting for some " good advice"... "quick"..


Its not that im trying to hurt peoples feelings or anything its just that I see how this site can help people, but i see how it can really make problems worse. I now realize how un helpful this site can be.


much love

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Its a shame you feel that way Sexychiick16 but I think maybe you have misunderstood the purpose of the site.


The members on the site try and offer advice and opinions as best they can. But of course, they don't know all the details of every little situation. And also, people don't always react like you expect they will. So the advice here is just advice. It is not magic and there aren't any guarantees. We are just a group of people that try our best to help others if we can. Sometimes it doesn't work. Other times it does. The point is that this is a place you can always come and feel free to ask.

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Try not to fall in the trap people. It's a good question, but it's going to be expected that you will all arise and defend the site.


In my opinion the site gives a little bit of comfort for some issues, and true real life experiences to learn from others to help you on your own. Its not that we're seeking acceptance, sometimes just writing about how you feel will make your mind clear. It can be that simple.


If we really needed a life, we wouldnt have problems to talk about here. Would we?

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If we really needed a life, we wouldnt have problems to talk about here. Would we?


That's a good one.


I know that when I've put up posts about some of my problems, tons of people had advice that I would have never even thought of. They actually saw the situation totally differently than I did. I think that it is really neat to have a place to put up your thoughts, and get tons of people's feedback. Now, we're not professional doctors or psychologists, but we're all professional humans, and we all have experiences that we can share with others.


But, of course, you have to take any advice with a grain of salt. In the end, you're the one who knows your situation best, and you have to use your heart and your head to arrive at the best answer.

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I'm going to combine what Sexychiick16 and annie24 said.


Sexychiick16, I think it's an advantage that we're able to give and receive advice on here due to the invention of computers. Like annie said, people will give you unique advice that you never thought of right there on the computer.


However, only you truly know the most about your problems, etc. So you would think why ask here? Well, don't people do that in real life anyway? Don't they go around and ask the opinions of others a lot? People love to hear what others think. They want to know if others have gone through the same kind of experience and what they did.


Most of all though, I think this site advocates that you truly aren't alone. It really does help those who really do feel very lonely and miserable because of problems with relationships.

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Ever had to work on a group project? Did you do all the work yourself or did you get input from the rest of the group? Same idea applies here. The more opinions you get about something, the better idea you have of what you should do. Each person brings a uniques set of experiences, beliefs, values, and opinions to the table. One person can say something that for whatever reason you've never considered before. It can get you thinking on a whole new track, one that helps you deal with whatever problem you have.


There is also the motto of the site, "you are not alone." I know that I've met several people through this site that I can relate with, something that is generally difficult for me. It helps to know that other people are going through the same emotions, feelings, worries, etc. that you are.


And in a world where too many people think about "me, me, me" its refreashing to see so many people willing to put their time into helping others. I, for one, have always enjoyed helping others and this site has let me help out a good number of people. In the end, the individual still has to make the choice and take action, but we can do what we can to help him or her out.

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yeah, I admit ive had help from this site before, or came to try to get help, but nobody really helped me. zzz Im going to sleep...


Sorry if i was being a pain EARLIER ive just been going through so much crap laltley. Maybe i need counceling. I just reather have someone i can relate to and that can relate to me, yet still havnt found neone quite like that besides my old bestfriend.


and if u would look at my post u will see that there is no "helpful advice" about her.


whatever t hough... Im finished...so tired its late. goodnight

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  • 1 year later...

I have become so attached to this site because I feel that it is kind of a little world of my own (don't get those white coats just yet!) I mean where else can I get totally and sometimes brutally honest advice, thoughts and feelings from men and women? For me? NOWHERE! This is it honey...for me anyway. If you go to your family, they tell you what you want to hear, a shrink will just listen, put it into perspective and hand it back to you neatly packaged for $200.00. I love to hear different thoughts and opinions from people of all ages about my plight, your plight...all of it.

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