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Me and my ex have managed to start talking again after a heart to heart the other night. Admitted what has happened since the break up to each other and looking to move forward. Both willing to forgive and forget as far as I can tell (i am), we were in a 2 and a half year relationship. We broke due to spending to much time with each other, petty arguments and not doing much because money was tight.


Been a couple of months since our break and I know I want to be with the girl 100% but life just isn't right for us two at the moment. She's said lets see where it takes us and go from there. Hasn't said she wants to get back together but has said she loves and misses me. She has said lets see how we go tho, That's the best thing I have heard from her since the break up as its been very emotionally hard for me even though I've tried to stay as positive as I can. Also we did sleep together the other night but that isn't really what I am focusing on, its more her words as shes a very closed girl, doesn't tell me much how she feels so we have already made progress.


How do I play this? We are talking which is nice as we are currently friends again which is what I wanted first of all, could this go on for months?

Don't want to play the wrong card and mess anything up between us as i have already said some soppy stuff that I kind of regret saying even though I want to tell her how much I love her

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Stop doing whatever you might have done to contribute to the need for a break. It sounds like she won't move forward unless she is convinced you've changed. Give her time, but don't stay in limbo forever. If you aren't back in a relationship with her in the next month or two, it might be time to consider making a clean break.

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Why did you break up? Besides forgive and forget, has any of that been resolved? Why "isn't life right for us at the moment"?


Can you play it by ear and try to rebuild things? Pace yourself.

She's said lets see where it takes us and go from there. we did sleep together the other night but that isn't really what I am focusing on, its more her words as shes a very closed girl, doesn't tell me much how she feels so we have already made progress.
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Have updated the original post - We broke due to spending to much time with each other, petty arguments and not doing much because money was tight. Also it was winter so we were stuck indoors with each other every evening after work! She has said lets see how we go

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Ok then this time around don't hang out as much so you don't over-saturate or get on each other's nerves. Make sure you keep busy with your own life and interests and activities and friends. Work out, update your look and image. To keep someone interested you have to be interesting.


Plan things, free or inexpensive. Don't text or phone too much. Leave interesting conversation for dates, yes dates, even if it's a walk on the beach/park or making dinner together or just a coffee or soda. Check online what's around town to do.

We broke due to spending to much time with each other, petty arguments and not doing much because money was tight. Also it was winter so we were stuck indoors with each other every evening after work! She has said lets see how we go
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Yes, I agree with you! She definitely is the one in control a bit more as its more her decision this is happening as she is treading very carefully, hot and cold at times but the planning, texting not to much is exactly what i am feeling, its hard to resist but hope it pays off and i am working out at the moment to! It's good to hear i am approaching this the right way, thank you

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