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My Emotions are Too Strong!


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Hi i have recently been going through tough times with my boyfriend which you may have read else where but im so very upset about that and i havent slept for 5 days now i cant stop eating and like most people i think im too fat! The thing is my emotions are just so strong i just have to hear my step dads voice or my boyfriends voice and it just breaks my heart in to tears. then when i see them and they then leave me it shatters me and i dont know what to do about it i just break down into tears i need help from someone or i am going to end up turning to drugs or seriously injuring my self or someone else, and i dont want this to happen but i need to speak to someone about it as i dont think you guys want to hear my life story does anyone know anywhere of where i can get help from someone? maybe a phone number or a magazine etc...? Also my mum has had a bad history of boyfriends beating her and even me i have had a tough life but she split up with her boyfriend after 4 years and recently she has become an alocoholic!!! all she does is drink! everyday she drinks vodka round at her frineds but i cant talk to her about it were not close like that. every night she comes home from work and eats some food strait away she goes out to her mates and returns home at about 3-4am it drives me crazy! at weekends when she doesnt have work she goes out and doesnt return home, she doesnt even let me know where she is then the next morning she still isnt here she will ring me at about 1pm and tells me she is going into town with her frined for a drink says she will be home in 2 hours. 4 hours down the line she still isnt home so i leave it phone her about 10pm and ask where she is she says she will be about 1 hour then by 3am she still isnt her and once again doesnt tell me where she is and doesnt return home until midnight the next night!all she does is kisses me goodnight and goes to bed! i wake up the next morning she isnt here!?!?! i phone her and shes at her friends once again the stupid cycle starts again!What do i do i dont get any money she spends it all on alcohol i never thought she would turn to drink as she has always hated it!please help me and thankyou for reading this long looong message.


many thanks

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Okay, first of all I suggest talk to your mom. I know you say you and your mom aren't close, but she needs help. Maybe see if she is willing to join alchoholers annoymous. Yet if your mom isn't willing to admit she has a problem then she can't be cured. Second, you say your too emotional, well what do you mean by that? Do you worry too much, or do you get depressed too quickly? It may seem like life can be in shambles, but there is always hope. PM me if you want anymore advice. Good luck!

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Hey many thanks for yuor post My mum wont admit she has a problem i tried talking to her! i get depressed too quickly, i also worry to much about what everyone thinks and what they are doing when i think of them etc... im stupid but im self conscious i feel im fat although many people think it of them selves. i just want to cry over all my problems i listed before please help me

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It stinks your mom does't want to admit she has a problem. It will be very hard for her to get cured if she doesn't want to be. Yet I suggest somehow try to help her. As for yourself, you say you worry too much and that you quickly get depressed. Is this a condition in your family? If it is, there is medicine that can help. Also you say that you feel you are too fat, well how large are you? If you are a good size then you can exercise to reduce that. If it's not a condition in your family then think of good things in your life. As long as you have something positive to think of, then perhaps that will help you get through your days. Sorry if I couldn't be of any help, just PM me if you want to talk. Good luck!

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It stinks your mom does't want to admit she has a problem. It will be very hard for her to get cured if she doesn't want to be. Yet I suggest somehow try to help her. As for yourself, you say you worry too much and that you quickly get depressed. Is this a condition in your family? If it is, there is medicine that can help. Also you say that you feel you are too fat, well how large are you? If you are a good size then you can exercise to reduce that. If it's not a condition in your family then think of good things in your life. As long as you have something positive to think of, then perhaps that will help you get through your days. Sorry if I couldn't be of any help, just PM me if you want to talk. Good luck!


Hey many thanks for this, im 15 and im only 5" im about a size 12 but i only carry the fat around my stomach nowhere alse. the rest of me is a nice shape just my stomach what is the medicine? Depresssion does run in my family but alcoholo doesnt as there is no cure for my mother anyway im just leaving it thats her problem but when i become so distant she will wander why and realise it many thanks

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