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I struggle to get over her answer (open minded sexual)


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Hey! Im 21. Male. And lives in Norway. So whats my problem? Whats my struggle? I hope some of you out there have some advice to help me change the negative and painful thoughts thats been pounding my head the last 3 days.


First thing first. Ive been together with my girlfriend for 2 months now. Im her first sexual-partner. She is 19. Please dont hate on me folks


This Saturday my girlfriend and I were having sex. Things got intense, and for some extremely stupid and illogical reason, I started to talk about the boy living next door. And that she needed to quiet down to not turn him on. And here it comes folks. I then said something like; "Maybe he'll want to have sex with you if you keep going like this. Would you like that maybe?"


I've been thinking about that over and over again. Maybe I wanted her to say; "no I only want you". Maybe I wanted some kind of sick acknowledgment from her.


Her answer was "yes, if its okay for you".


The long conversation started just after that. I didn't handle the honest answer well at all. I felt sick and actually started to shake. I got so afraid of losing her right at that point. BUT we talked about it for a long time. YES she meant what she said in the time of AFFECTION, but said she hadn't had that kind of thoughts before I bumped the (stupid!) question in her face.


I told her that I could never share her like that (even tho I kind of suggested it.. whats wrong with me?!!). The result of our conversation was that neither of us wanted to share the other. She couldn't stand the thought of me with some other girl.

JET IM STILL AFRAID. It kind of comes in emotional waves. Drifting between two sets of thoughts;


1. That its still fine, like it was before I asked the dumb question, and that she wont do anything with someone else because then she'll lose me. (And she got feelings for me folks. I can see it.)


2. That sick thought that she may jump in bed with some other guy. Or maybe one of my friends. And the painful thought that she may desire it.

I dont know how to take control of these confusing emotions. Is something wrong? Plz I would appreciate every answer or advice. I dont want to lose her because of my thoughts

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She replied to.you during sex, same as you blurted it out during sex. Thats all it is - talk that happens when we are in the moment.


I once said something about my bf being with another man, something in which I have had any interestto see watch or be part of. Ive no interest in threesome. But out of my mouth flowed those words about some other man with my bf.


It is sexy how she answered you. Don't overthink it.

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She replied to.you during sex, same as you blurted it out during sex. Thats all it is - talk that happens when we are in the moment.


I once said something about my bf being with another man, something in which I have had any interestto see watch or be part of. Ive no interest in threesome. But out of my mouth flowed those words about some other man with my bf.


It is sexy how she answered you. Don't overthink it.


Exactly what IthinkIcan already stated. You were both horny and caught up in the moment. You have nothing to worry about. If anything, you should be happy that she feels comfortable talking about fantasies with you. If my friends only knew the fantasies that my gf and I talk about during sex...

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