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I made a molehill a mountain and now I don't know how to get over it... advice?


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Ok, so my boyfriend and I have been having some issues lately, mostly for me it was that I needed emotional support, and the more I tried to talk about it to him, the more I felt he shut me out. He would tell me he was done with the convo, or he was busy, or he'd just ignore my messages completely. So Saturday I was hoping to see him so we could talk, but I didn't hear from him all day so my girlfriend convinced me to go out against my better judgement I decided not to tell him. We went to a bar, then to a club, didn't get home until about 4am. I didn't cheat, I'm not that person, I didn't give out or take any numbers, but I did lie to him about what time I got home. I don't know why really, I think it was because I wanted in a way for him to feel the way I felt, wondering, it was spiteful to say the least. Anyway, I told him half the truth, that we went out to the bar, but not that we went to the club or what time we got home. In fact, I lied about what time we got home, for no specific reason, and lying isn't my thing, it just kind of happened that way. End result, he knew I wasn't home when I said I was, and when I told him where I really went and that was all I lied about he doesn't believe me (understandable because it was a dumb reason to lie) but now he says he can't trust me and wants to end the relationship. I love him, I don't want to end out relationship. I've stuck with him through worse, but he says he's not as strong as me and has to leave.... what do I do? Can you come back from lost trust?

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Why would you have to report your whereabouts or return time to him in the first place? He sounds very controlling.


It sounds like you are both playing games. How long have you been dating?


He doesn't seem that into you in the first place if he ignores you, doesn't want to communicate and blows you off. Yes end it. It wasn't working anyway. Go no contact and delete and block him. Do not chase or beg.


What does this mean?: "I've stuck with him through worse". How bad was it? would tell me he was done with the convo, he was busy, or he'd just ignore my messages completely. now he says he can't trust me and wants to end the relationship.

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What was the emotional support you wanted but weren't getting from him?

Have you emotionally punished him before? Where you do things to upset him because you are hurt?

How old are you both and how long have you been together?


With the information you gave it seems like he already had one foot out the door.

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