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i fear shes out of my league


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Im an 8th grader and last year I met a girl. I thought she was a pretty girl but people said she wasnt and talked me out of dating her. Now shes the most popular girl in the grade. And I really wana be with her but i dont know if it'll work.


Me and her have all of our classes together and we see each other a lot. We dont sit together in any of the classes but we still talk. See like in gym she'll walk up to me and touch me or tap me and start talking to me. I mean my group of friends will walk by and she'll say hey David. And of course I reply lol. In spanish class and a lot of the time she'll touch me or even hit me lol like push my head.


Last year we started getting close and we talked a lot, walking to our classes together, eating lunch together. It was great lol. I remember on the last day of school she didnt hug any other guys. But I left the class and was walking out the door of the school and she stopped me and hugged me. But summer came and the story wasnt the same. We talked some on icq but it killed what we had goin.


School came and I broke my leg. She was there for me, and helped me out lol. In 1 class that i dont take anymore she sat beside me everyday and even fought a few ppl for the seat haha. Then in another class i no longer take i sat behind her and we talked a lot. One guy threatened to tell my gf who was at another school i was talking to her so much lol.


We went bowling a few weeks ago and had blast she thought i was a good bowler and I paid her way because she forgot to pay. When I asked her about it she offered to pay me back and I refused and she told me that I did too much for her. Then when I came close to dating this one girl she talked me out of it?


We were even in a beauty pagaent together once lol. I was an escort and she wanted me to escort her and I did. She said I was a great escort and she won the pagaent! Me and her have fun when were together. She laughs a lot and I love being with her. But I fear shes out of my league. She told me she could possibly be dating this one guy soon but i dont know if they are? So i really dont know what to do. Were good friends but I want more than just friends. I wana be with her. Shes really pretty and Im not too bad myself I just dont know if what ive got is enough for her lol. And I have no idea of what to do.. So please offer ur suggestions. Thanks




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Well, since you two seem to be such good friends then you should be able to tell her that you'd like to date her, that is if you no longer have a gf. She should be able to accept that. And you have to know that if she says know than you have to accept that. But relationships really work when the two people are friends first.


Hope I helped!



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Hey, well, you used teasing I suggested right? Well she seems really flirty which is good. But talking you out of it? That's the bad part. Maybe you seemed too friendly. The summer probably did kill it. She's not out of your league its just something you did. Like when your flirting with her earlier you should of asked her out...That's why if you meet a girl your interested in you don't become friends for a long time..this is what happens. Well I guess you can move on. But,..the only way you could tell if she was interested is you could say: "Well, if you don't want to go out with me, I guess I'll need to get a new best friend..". Something like that might work. Don't say it the wrong way though. Then she won't talk to you. So you could say that example and see what happens. Then she'll be confused lol you might get like "No, I don't want to lose you as a friend" then she's tied up whether to go out with you or lose you as a friend. lol, sticky situation for her. Well if you do lose her, isn't there another girl you wouldn't mind going out with or no?

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yah were good friends and I dont wanaloose her. But I have trouble asking her. I start to and I cant or she has to go or something. today in spanish class see i sit infront of her and theres a table in between us and were basically right in front of each other. and occasionally i do think shes starnig at me like i did that today. And i looked and i once heard their feet is a big body language thing. and i looked down and she had one pulled back and the other sticking fairly out shaking staring at me? So i dont know if that means anything or not.. wed kinda look and laugh at each other lol. But i really do fear shes out of my leaguer. Shes really hot and Im not too bad but i just dont think im up to par. And thanks for your alls help.




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Oh yeah, about the feet thing. When people(women in this case, they do it more anyway) are focused on something, they tend to have their (both) feet flat on the ground, or they have both of them behind there seat crossed, or just sitting back there. Or they can have their legs crossed normally. So when she was doing that thing with her feet (good thing you observed this helps me out lol) she was thinking about working and thinking about you. So that's a good thing. Starting to notice this over time is a GOOD sign. Mostly watch for what she will do with her hair. Girls that like me, will stare at me, or if they're shy and don't want to give it away they like me (I can tell because I can pick up the strong vibe, humans are very sensuous and in touch with our sub-conscious, though most people don't know how to interpret it like what the signs are) they will play with the hair A LOT. It doesn't always have to be a lot. Mostly it's for getting your attention. Then once you give them attention they will stop. Next day it winds up again and they'll be at it again lol. Signs of liking is when you 2 are staring at each other and and if she laughs and it's like nervous; she likes you, or if she's stroking her hair and her hand is pointing your direction. Women do this one thing, they don't even know there doing it because they do it without realizing but, if it's pointed towards you and it looks like their pulling slowly on one side of their long hair (if she has like one of those ugly buzz cuts, definitely outta luck lol I doubt it though). The famous hair-over-shoulders is an easy tell sign, it doesn't mean she likes you but it's supposed to get your attention and it can be identified as flirting. But yeah, about the pulling on the side slowly one, that one means (if she's looking at you) she finds you attractive. Again if it's pointed your way that's definitely a GOOD thing. So yeah, good luck with figuring out the signs


***One that I've seen and come accross occasionally or a lot, is when they're fixing like a ponytail or something in their hair and looking at you or almost in your direction. That's a sign of them showing off their body. So just watch for all these. Women will be very subtle with feet, where their pointing (well not always, pointing inward for girls is just normal doesn't mean anything), leg crossing is something to watch for if they do it fast then uncross and again, and they mess with their hair a lot, will blush, act nervous if they like you, or they'll be more outgoing...but isn't everyone more outgoing when your with a friend?

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sorry didnt real it all just read shes out of your leage well im speaking from experience theres no such thing as leagues everyone is diffrent and no one is better then someone else so forgot the league thing your a guy and you have a chance well to me it seems like she likes you and her bringing up the other guy maybe shes tryna hint that you should go for it.....Go for it now.....or youl regret belvie me......speaking from experience aint outta her league you got a chance take it now.......now......NOW......



P.S you not a mystery man you name is David....

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Yah I try to notice the signs. And she touches me a lot. Last night we were talking and listened to songs backwards lol and it was fun and today we talked about it in gym and I had prepared and had my joked ready for it lol. And she laughed a lot. And she was joking and said Sleep with me Im not too young which was one of the hidden messages lol. I dont know if thats a joke or flirting. But still she told me she may date this one guy soon. But she hasnt mentioned him anymore. But i think i heard her friend so i dont know? But is it possible that she does that for hard to get? Or maybe shes using me as a second guy or i dont know what? I mean it has been a year and I havent asked her out.?? But i think a IM would be better than a note. Thanks




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Strictly4mygrind is correct, you better ask her out NOW before she gets with him. If ya don't do it you'll be depressed watching her with some dumb *** for 5 months or so.



Easyguy- When a girl does that frequently it's a total sign of interest, it depends though how she does it and if she's looking at you when she's doing it. The worst thing in the world would be thinking she's interested because your not sure if she was doing that because of you and she says she likes another guy. Tell us on here what happens when she does that.

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Oh yeah, if she's touching you a lot, your being hit on no doubt. Kino (touching; physical stuff not sex or anything lol just touching) is the greatest/strongest form of flirting. It has been like that ever since it was started to be seen in women starting around the 14th Century.

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Yah i know theres no such thing as leagues I just dont think i can get her. But she does touch me a lot. And I try to notice if she does that to other people but overall im the one who gets it the most. A friend of mine gets a descent ammount of attention and I know she uestoo like him. So i dont know? and you just made up the 14th century right? and I have seen her playing with her hair while she was talking to me or looking at me. thanks again for ur alls help I appreiate it a lot



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...Easyguy- When a girl does that frequently it's a total sign of interest, it depends though how she does it and if she's looking at you when she's doing it. The worst thing in the world would be thinking she's interested because your not sure if she was doing that because of you and she says she likes another guy. Tell us on here what happens when she does that.


Sorry to keep detracting from the original situation in this thread, but the girl I'm talking about is the same girl, whom after I gave big hints to a few weeks ago that I liked her a lot (even tried asking her out), said she didn't like me in that way (this was a couple weeks ago). She didn't look at me a lot when she did the 4x hair thing, but she was facing in my direction for the most part, but looked right into my eyes when twirling her hair briefly before talking to one of her girl friends next to her.


Yeah I dunno what's up with her lately.

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Yah i know theres no such thing as leagues I just dont think i can get her.

Stop thinking that way. Stop it! Now! Right now!


It's very simple. Go ask her out tomorrow. Tomorrow. Don't worry about whether she'll say yes, although it sounds like she probably will. Don't worry about whether she'll say no. The truth is, these are both positive outcomes, because then you'll be able to either show her a wonderful time or get over her. The longer you keep putting it off the worse it'll get. Do it as soon as humanly possible. Don't put it off at all. Make it the first thing you say to her, the first time you see her after this.


Oh, and stay calm too.

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