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spider web


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I'm dying here

writing these works again,

to catch my thoughts.

Perhaps its a net,

but i see a web

a beautiful trap.

I've been caught

off guard by it's beauty,

with the dew drops

shining in the sun.

I walked head first

into this perfect trap,

and began to struggle,

but it only got worse,

and now i'm stuck,

tangled and broken.

Now you see me here,

surprised I lasted this long.

So now your fangs begin to show,

when I thought you were

to be my savior,

but you had laid the trap

and pushed me in

spun me about, and tied me in.

It's hard to breathe now

the grip has tightened

and you've gone away

to teach me a lesson.

So here I am

dying here alone

writing these words,

so i can be set free,

i've learned my lesson.




Have you ever had one of those days where it seems everyone is conspiring against you.

i actually wrote this awhile ago, im actually free from the "web" and im not confused anymore, im quite happy, considering my spring break is almost over. anyways tell me what you think of the poem.

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