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Please tell that story I was attacked by a lobster once, vicious creatures, lol. But never had a run in with a vulture.


I once worked for a wildlife rehabilitation center for birds of prey and reptiles. The turkey vulture was kept as an illegal pet by a man before it was surrendered, so it attacked female handlers. It got me. And because the center fed the birds dead rats, I had to be taken in and given blood cleansing medication.

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I used to live around DC and had a very good friend who was one of the top people that managed the DC Cherry Blossom Festival. She got to meet a Japanese rock band and brought them over to her house. I was renting a basement from her at the time and we got to chill in the basement... Basically my room.


Sorry, I forget the name of the JRock band. More importantly they were sexy and they were in MY ROOM!!! My moment of winning at life. Big thanks goes out to my best friend for making that happen!

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One time I stole my mom's car and went on a joyride with my friends. I know I know I was a teenager that would've made people's heads spin . Obviously as a mature adult I've remodelled myself .


I'm a little jealous! lol. I didn't rebel as a teen. I waited, and am hoping to make up for it now. 😎 I'm doing all right on it - in my mid forties, I got a wee bit tipsy with friends and ran into Bruce Springsteen. I passed him on the street late at night. He was already 20 feet past me when I realized it was him. I'm sure I charmed him when I yelled, "Hey, Bruce! You've still got a great a**!"


He looked stunned, but then he laughed and waved.

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I'm a little jealous! lol. I didn't rebel as a teen. I waited, and am hoping to make up for it now. 😎 I'm doing all right on it - in my mid forties, I got a wee bit tipsy with friends and ran into Bruce Springsteen. I passed him on the street late at night. He was already 20 feet past me when I realized it was him. I'm sure I charmed him when I yelled, "Hey, Bruce! You've still got a great a**!"


He looked stunned, but then he laughed and waved.

It was easy for me to rebel , my dad didn't give a crap and my mom was never home. She was always away working . So I am pretty surprised neither my brother nor I are dead ... lol.


Springsteen .... yum.

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When I was 11 years old the Pope came to our wee country, and I got to be in the procession of cars by an honest driving mistake made by my dad...


Dad and I went out to do some errands and he tried to avoid the chaos and traffic by taking a short cut down a step side road, unfortunately this put us directly into the "Holy procession" of cars (putting us one car behind the Pope mobile), Dad had the same type of car as security and some how we drove with whole procession along the waterfront, it was funny and embarrassing at the same time - we waved to all our Catholic friends who were on the side of the road with their mouths open.. - It was like we were royalty - for a brief moment.


A cop followed us home, but never interviewed or stopped us...


We still have a good giggle over it, (it was an innocent mistake!) - Dad and I got away with a lot of stupid stuff back in the 80s.. .

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