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Need opinions on my dentist


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I switched and went to see a new dentist about 3 months back and he told me he did not like the way my fillings were looking so he wanted to fix them, plus I had some new cavities that needed fillings themselves. I ended up going back to the dentist 3 times to get fillings replaced because I had a lot.


My dentist used some sort of white filling (I used to have silver ones) and once he finished working on the right side of my mouth, I noticed my bite was off. I ended up going back to get it fixed. After about 2 weeks I noticed I was still having pain on that side of my mouth, so I went back again and my dentist did a cold test on my teeth, said he didn't know what was wrong, grinded down the fillings a little more and sent me home.


It's been 3 months since I had these fillings replaced and they are still causing problems. Sometimes when I eat and I try to chew, now on either side of my mouth, there's a lot of discomfort. It feels like I am biting down on loose teeth and sometimes it actually hurts. My teeth are also really sensitive to cold water.


Has anyone else ever had this problem after getting fillings done? Will this ever go away or do you think something else could be wrong? What should I do?

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yeah took about 6 months to go away for me. I cracked my tooth and they ended up doing a filling instead of a root canal.

My mom is a dental hygentist , so her boss( the dentist) told her that its because of how close it was to the root I guess

idk if the same thing for you.I just learned to eat on the other side of my mouth. But if its hurting because of cold

water i would not be ok with that. mine didn't hurt with cold water.


I mean you can always go see another dentist too I guess.

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nooo what? how was your bite off? i just got 2 fillings and will need a procedure on my wisdom teeth and another filling on a molar and now i'm scared.


can you get a filling instead of a root canal Blaze? but then what happens with the infection?


why do her fixed teeth hurt? the heck

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"I switched and went to see a new dentist about 3 months back..."

- Why did you switch?


"...and he told me he did not like the way my fillings were looking so he wanted to fix them,"

- Which teeth and what was it he didn't like?


"...plus I had some new cavities that needed fillings themselves."

- Again, which teeth and how big were the cavities? Did you show you the dark spots on the digital x-ray?


"...I ended up going back to the dentist 3 times to get fillings replaced because I had a lot."

- How many?


"My dentist used some sort of white filling..."

- Pretty much standard now.


"...and once he finished working on the right side of my mouth, I noticed my bite was off."

- How is that possible? Did he put the marking paper in you mouth and have you grind?


"I ended up going back to get it fixed. After about 2 weeks I noticed I was still having pain on that side of my mouth, so I went back again and my dentist did a cold test on my teeth, said he didn't know what was wrong, grinded down the fillings a little more and sent me home."

- A lot of red flags here. After massive work, 2 weeks would be normal, but him grinding more and not knowing is scary.



How old are you?

Just how bad were your teeth/fillings? Did you neglect them for long time?

Why did you leave your old Dentist?

Did you get referred too, check referrals for this new Dentist?


Teeth are fragile and can crack with multiple or improper fillings.

Bacteria can sneak in through the poorly done filling and cracks and infect the root. (Nerve/blood supply)


Unless you had this pain before the first visit, it's most likely because of the large amount of work you had done.

That is, most likely. Your roots may have been exposed and/or infected. (Three months seems long to me.)


Start asking around for a reputable endodontist in your area. (Think of them as Dentist on steroids.)


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I switched dentists because the one I used to see retired. I switched to this guy because my neighbor works for him as a hygienist and my dad and brother see him as well, and he's a lot closer to my house.


All of the teeth worked on were molars or premolars. I had about 5 worked on on my left side and 4 on my right. He did not show me any x-rays they took, and he told me he "didn't like the way my fillings were previously done" even though there was no pain before he started to fix them. He initially used the marking paper and my bite felt fine when my mouth was still numb, but when I got home and it wore off, the bite was uneven.


I am 21 years old, I don't think my teeth were neglected, I brush twice a day, use mouthwash, floss, I think I take pretty good care of my teeth. I even started using sensodyne when I brush my teeth and it hasn't helped. Eating foods like apples, popcorn, burgers, sometimes even the bagel I have for breakfast all cause pain. I was going to get a second opinion from a different dentist but maybe the endodontist is a better idea.

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Keep going back to your dentist and have him fix it. Its possible your bite is off and he needs to grind the fillings more. (Teeth wear down but fillings and crowns do not, so periodically need adjustment. When the bite is off the teeth affected in my mouth have either felt loose or I've had pain in the root area.)

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I don't like the no x rays stuff. My mother even though I am her son would always show me why I needed fillings or where the bad areas were while showing me the x rays.



they should be able to explain to you why they need to redo your fillings.



sometimes you get cavities no matter what you do. my mother had the majority of my teeth sealed because I had large pit areas in my teeth and no matter

what I did it was easy for decay to get in there.

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Go see another dentist ASAP. Stop going back to the one that is giving you problems!


It sounds like he replaced your silver fillings with the kind that don't have silver in them, which some believe is healthier. Problem is there's a very definite procedure to how that's done, I had it done, and it really doesn't sound like this guy did that. Plus my dentist was always of the mind, if it's not broke don't fix it. This sounds more like a way to make money off of you if he didn't fully explain why he was doing that.


I don't like the look of that is not a standard medical reason to be digging into someone's mouth or anywhere else for that reason. You need to take control of your own health, ask serious questions before you get procedures, and get second opinions.


If I were you I'd stop seeing this dentist ASAP and go see someone else to get a second opinion. I've had silver fillings replaced with the newer materials, after two of my teeth got cracked from a fall off a horse. I had nothing like what you describe, so if I had to guess I'd say all in not well but then I'm not a dentist. Don't take my word for it, get another or even a third professional opinion from other dentists. They can answer your questions much better than anyone here can.


Go get a second or even a third dentist. And don't say yes to procedures in the future with healthcare professionals who can't give you anything more than the vaguest of reasons why. It's a service you pay for, so they need to be able to fully explain it, provide you with information, and you should be able to go get a second opinion and/or look it up on the Internet.

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You're young, take care of your teeth and had no problems. You go to a new Dentist and he tells you 30% of your teeth have bad fillings?

Sorry Sarah..., A lot of red flags!


Get a second opinion!


I agree!


Unfortunately, some dentists see $$$ instead of human beings.

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The white fillings only look better. The old style are still around cause they work. I too had this problem. No they weren't looking for $$$ I knew these people. They eventally took out the white and threw in the metal. Good to go after that. Good luck

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