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Is it worth staying at my job?


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Hi Everyone,


It's been awhile since I posted on here. Please give advice, because I am at a cross roads.


After I finished my college degree, I found extremely difficult to find job until fall. Because of this, I jumped at the first job offer given because I needed money, I had worked in a similar industry before, and head hunters weren't working out well for me. Since I have take the job, over last 5 months, I have had to ask questions multiple times, and I am in a constant state of fear that I have messed up orders and reports and second guess everything I do.


In my current position, I work for a supply chain company where we work with several companies to produce and ship products. It can be stressful, because the higher ups rely on me to strategically place and produce orders to ship out according to their specifications using a database to pull information. So, where's the problem? Well, I when place orders, I am always double and triple checking my work to make sure the orders were placed correctly using the right information they provide to me. Sometimes I screw up, and I screw up bad. Other times, the reference information has to be specific, and I'm always worried that I put them under the wrong numbers or people's names.


When I first started, I was told during training to ask questions when I don't understand something or before I do a process. But, there comes a point when asking too many questions or over-complicating processes, raises eyes. One of my biggest issues is that I have been told that I over analyze everything, and this is true. The other issue is whether I will get fired from my first real job out of college at close to 28 since my degree, and or leaving too soon to find another job.


In a sense, I went to school to become an order fulfillment/processor. I do work in an office, and it pays decent for this economy right now. The job I have been told is simple, and sometimes it can be. But, there is so much information, and do's and don't processes, that I often have to make notes. But, now I have pages and pages of notes, which can change all the time. So, maybe that's why I am in constant fear? Sometimes the most simple things can be the most complicating for person. I have been told that a job can age you if it's causing you too much stress. Well, I am always thinking about whether I am doing my job right and if I did my job correctly, and it follows me home too. I can be a little OCD, and if I mistype a number or a word, it bugs the heck out of me because it was error I created and have to now explain if it causes a problem during billing. I hate finding out days or weeks later that I messed up, and suffer the consequences. I also don't feel support from my co-workers, because I guess that's expected since they have worked to do and they are not going to keep helping me after 6 months. By now, I'm sure I look like a moron to them. But, the over analyzing and fear of screwing up is seriously getting the best of my abilities to perform at this job. I'm thinking about scheduling a meeting with my manager soon to see if I am performing according to where they think I should be by now.


The fact is, I have no intention on staying at this job forever. I'm not truly happy there, and I'm not really interested in what I do. However, I'm unqualified for really any job at this point because I lack 5-10+ years of experience and I have never been a supervisor or manager and need to brush up on my skills a little . Also, there's the problem with job-hopping. I haven't done it yet, but I read an online article in Forbes recently that says job-hopping is expected after the first or second job to find your true calling, but you shouldn't do it a lot. Also, changing jobs within a year looks bad, right? If I left, it wouldn't be because I had a to take care of a child or sick parent, it would because I just didn't fit working there. Is that wrong?


Please give advice. Managers and supervisor opinions are also welcome.


Thanks everyone.

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Also, changing jobs within a year looks bad, right? If I left, it wouldn't be because I had a to take care of a child or sick parent, it would because I just didn't fit working there. Is that wrong?


I think if a job just isn't working out for you, then you should just get going and switch fields. If someone interviews you and asks what happened, just tell them as you told us, you went to school because you wanted to do X, you found that this job was more Y and you really didn't like it, now you are looking for a job that is more along the lines of X again. I think they would understand, that happens a lot.


If you haven't already checked it out, go to the askamanager.com site and see if your question has been asked before (i think it has!)


In the meantime, I'd start job searching, but keep working at this job and continue your job search quietly until you find something else. Then give 2 weeks notice.

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There's nothing wrong with asking your superiors for feedback. You can do it informally and get brief explanations, or go more in depth and ask for a formal review. In your case, Ask for a 6 month review if you want. It shows initiative, integrity and is a great springboard to request a raise (if your review goes well, a yearly raise is widely accepted for costs of living).


Certainly do not bug your supervisors if you have already asked for feedback recently.


Organize your notes better, so your not asking too many repeated questions, and you can quickly refer.


If management hasn't clearly told you that you need to improve your performance, than just keep doing what your doing.


Also nothing wrong with finding a new job if this isn't what you want to do.

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