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When i am busy with lots of things to do i dont feel this way, but as soon as i get some time off to think, or i remember something about someone i start to feel like this, isolated, lonly, empty inside... my whole body goes cold and i get goose bumps and start to shiver.. I have many friends, but i always get the feelign that they are imature and dont understand.. My family is great and loving but i cannot help but feel empty. lately when my friends are all talking i dont want to, i feel like sitting alone.. but this is the feeling i hate. Its like im torturing myself. The only problem i can see and that i think about often is having a girlfriend that i can love, i really like this girl at the moment but im 17 and shes 14 and i dont think its right, nor does anyone i know. The only problem is when ever i think i have found someone that i really like, i either end up being rejected or they have a boyfriend, or somethign is not right... you know. Right now i feel like lying down and fading away... when i read posts of people feelign similar or depressed i feel liek crying because i would love to talk with them and share with them my expierience becasue i would love to help them if i could and its such a bad way of living.

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You should try to not put so much of your self worth in others hands. If you like this girl and treat her well and respect her boundaries, then who cares about 3 years. I have been there, feeling alone in a room swarming full of people, but you are probably not the only one in that group felling that way. Spend time doing what makes you feel good and be selfish sometimes. Turn down an invite to a party, go to bed early. Just tell those closest to you that sometimes you fell down and they can help by leaving you alone, or by being supportive of you. They do actually care and will never understand if you don't let them.

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It can be tough when your feeling isolated that no one understands you, but there are people who do. And if you really like this girl, and it's only 3 years difference then pursue her. The age difference doesn't matter at this point. You are the person that can make you feel wanted and strong, so remember that. So, good luck!

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I don't think the age difference is so great. We all have felt alone or lonely at times. You may get a gf and still feel this way at times. You have to enjoy your own company and some people have a hard time doing that. You are responsible for your happiness. No one else is. I wish you well.

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