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Running (lose it all)


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Seriously who else is not feeling this lol? I feel so lost. Just working on myself and my relationship it's hard sometimes. Frustrated by the way the world works, and the the fact you can't do anything about it. Asking yourself questions like who am I , what is life, what is the purpose of life. Haha the questions can drive you insane.


Wiseman I'd like to know your story. Your first post is questions about philosophy quote. One of the great questions about the universe....what is wiseman life story lol?


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i think these are the questions. i miss posts that ask and discuss these questions. i feel like everything else is an attempt to fix a house with bad foundations.


Thanks so much rainy. It's always nice to know you're not alone in something. I was just reading this article about dissociation the other day. The feeling of not feeling real.


Almost like we're in the matrix. What do you think would happen if enough people were unplugged from the system at once. Could we change things peacefully?

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If we can honestly talk about our problems here...I have to be honest because I've been slowly going insane. I accidentally unplugged myself and there's no lie I can tell myself this time.


I have a Guaranteed way to unplug someone from the system. Not that illumanti satanic stuff but with actual facts. The only way they wouldn't see the truth is if they're not ready to be unplugged and they cover their ears, walk away, or simply just block the truth. I was reading up on Marxism, which prompted me to read up ww1 and ww2 which prompted me to read up on Germany, which prompted me to research social engineering and from there I dove down into the rabbit hole because there was no turning back. I made a video if anyone is interested.



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ack, my internet is slow and it shows me the little rotating icon right after he tells the weed joke. i'll watch the rest of it when it resolves.


have you read bell hooks? power at the margin. that might be of interest to you.


i used to dissociate a lot, when i had cptsd. there is something uncanny about it. you leave your body and float around, a mass-less entity, you don't even recognize the "you" that you are watching, you don't own their stupid life and their stupid pain. and you see it differently for the first time. i remember the thoughts i had about the woman in the mirror. they weren't as brutal as the thoughts i had about me. i thought she seemed like a nice person, just really defeated.


not that i would like to dissociate again. that disconnect is uncontrolled, the little part of you that recognized you have dissociated is scared it will never be able to return to the body and mind it belongs to. where will it go? float around the bathroom, around the mirror forever? but....there is something ultimately liberating about disowning everything personal. that, i think, is what "unplugs" one. the buddhists....were right...imho.

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i was able to see the first five minutes. yeah, it so weird how people who feel cut off can develop a habit of cutting off others. you'd think they'll feel a pull towards unity, inclusiveness, but it is often switching from one segment to another. i will leave the political part of it out, but, caitlin jenner? wth? she started having a problem when it was the trans group that was being targeted? but the other groups didn't concern her? i know this woman who claims she is bi and supports gay and bi people. okay, i'm a huuuuge straight ally so i was like "sure! all of them!" and she said "oh no, not all of them..the trans people disgust me". i just walked away. i was kinda in shock and i didn't want to debate something like that. ugh.

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i was able to see the first five minutes. yeah, it so weird how people who feel cut off can develop a habit of cutting off others. you'd think they'll feel a pull towards unity, inclusiveness, but it is often switching from one segment to another. i will leave the political part of it out, but, caitlin jenner? wth? she started having a problem when it was the trans group that was being targeted? but the other groups didn't concern her? i know this woman who claims she is bi and supports gay and bi people. okay, i'm a huuuuge straight ally so i was like "sure! all of them!" and she said "oh no, not all of them..the trans people disgust me". i just walked away. i was kinda in shock and i didn't want to debate something like that. ugh.


Yes you're right lol I definitely don't want to bring politics into it. Yes that's weird. I guess we're scared of what we don't understand or maybe it's just more simple to believe in the things we're taught and used to instead of having to hear about things like being gay or trans. I wish people would be more open to things like that. I wish things were simple like when we were kids. That scary movie it follows did a amazing job of going over that topic. Maybe you should watch the second video on my channel. That one is like 17 minutes long. I shouldn't have made it as long huh lol?

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i watched it. i think you nailed it with the reference to examples in history-- it's always been a case of divide and conquer, rather than unite and lead.


i used to be a huge activist on the macro scale. thought if one busts myths, that's enough for people to "wake up". forgot that mass psychology...is nothing but enlarged individual psychology. and the central complex of the human psyche revolves around power. so...it's difficult for people to "wake up" really, before they've harmonized their own inner world. social engineering...plays on universal human vulnerabilities, that's why it works.


i went from wanting millions to smell the coffee (i take large scale human suffering personally. so this macro focus was exhausting and stressful for me), to concluding..society...is me and many people like me. social interaction, dynamics, are what happens with me and bestie, me and boss, me and boyfriend, me and postal clerk, me and client....and if i can make those individual interactions transcend the narrow dynamics of power, train us both in that, reap the benefits, they may do the same with their circle. i picture a dot in the middle of a circle, and remind myself i'm working from there. it keeps me accountable, it keeps me responsible, and it forces me to learn and keep my motives and methods in check. i see it spread to others sometimes, and that is satisfying. but i also hit upon my own problems, which reminds me how much of social life revolves around personal issues of individuals. i think if our education involved psychoeducation from an early age, we'd make for a much prettier picture as a society. there was actually a public initiative a few decades ago, to include psychoeducation as education of every single individual. of course, nothing came out of it. well sure it didn't. same reason education, healthcare and the like have become privileges. it wouldn't pay...to someone. you can't manipulate harmonious (psychologically and otherwise) and educated people.

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I agree with everything you said but today we need people to wake up more than ever. I used to believe it was a myth until I started looking into our history. I tested it twice on my boyfriend and my brother and it woke them up. Whether the person wants to take the blue pill or the red pill is up to them.


WW2 was instigated too! Our power is our is vote. The elite need us and we need them. We don't exactly have to operate in harmony. We simply need more people to be able to think for themselves.


The new world order is their agenda. So everything that is going on right now has a purpose. It took a lot of research but it's like a mathematical equation. math isn't subject-able to things like your religious background or gender. You have all the information In front of you and it takes a little bit of knowledge to solve the equation.


You have to understand things like how the bank institute works, history dating back centuries ago, the social engineering portion of all this. I've been killing myself with all this research.


With social media I can reach out to many people who will decide to take the red pill. Donald trump is a example of how much power social media has.

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Honestly I can see how brainwashing a nation works. I feel like I'm going crazy reading up on all this history.

It's pointless the signs have been here all along. Why didn't anyone warn us. I can't even talk to someone who's researched it this much. Everything that I know is a lie!! I just want to hide away. Everywhere I look on tv I see the brainwashing bull behind it and it angers me!!! If I stopped making these videos I'd go insane. It's easier to tell yourself a lie but I can't. I feel like it's my civic duty to warn people. Did the people on plane 93 just give up with out a fight. No they fought back and they saved many lives.

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Make sure you read several international newspapers everyday. Many have English additions or google will translate the pages. Fascinating to see what the rest of the world thinks.


Thanks wiseman

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