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How do u start a convo with a beautiful stranger


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This is a question for experienced guys.


Listen, I'm a senior and my hormones are raging like a nut. To tell you the truth I am a pretty popular kid, with a nice body, and nice face. BUT none of that helps. Well what i'm trying to ask is 'How do u start a convo with a hot girl you see walking down the street or at the mall or whatever?

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Bump into her by accident when it seems appropriate. Obviously if she is out in the middle of the mall with no one near her, bumping into her seems too obvious (think about it). Do it when there could be a realistic chance of bumping into someone. Then say, "Ah, sorry. You ok?"


If she responds in a positive way, start by making very small talk. Don't expect to get her # right away though haha. You don't even know the girl.


Anyways, just my $.02.

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If you have enough confidence in your looks, then you must not have enough confidence in yourself... You need to pretty much do what these two above me said, like anything in this world, you need practice. The more you practice, the better you get....makes sense right? You can't just expect to be great at starting convo's and keeping them going the first time. Don't put expectations in yourself, maybe start small, go up to random girls and ask for the time...or something basic along those lines. Later on, start learning to pick out something 'special' about that girl, maybe some specific clothing or apparel that caught your eye and then tell her it looks great. You'll learn...just practice.

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great name by the way. you sound like a great catch just from that little bit that i know about you. single you say huh? hehehe


well, the best way to go about doing it, is to NOT make it look like youre blatently hitting on her. like "hey baby youre pretty hot, waddya say we go make out behind the bleachers?" 8) lol. instead, just walk up, make eye contact. SMILE! say a friendly simply stated: "hey whatsup."


maybe if you see her at like a food court, or ice cream shoppe or something, right before she goes to pay slip the cashier your money instead, or offer if you could buy her something to eat. i think thats a really sweet gesture. and smile smile SMILE! then when she says 'thank you' say youre welcome, & dont press the issue. dont even attempt to make anymore gestures. if she thought you were somethin' & if shes worth it, she'll make the next move.


if she declines your offer to buy, just kinda laugh it off & say "no? alright, sorry. just figured id offer." and give a friendly smile! like it doesnt bother you...(which it shouldnt b/c you just saved yourself a few bucks.) hehehe


you only have like .8 seconds to make a first impression, so you might as well step out of the box & make it one she'll remember.



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If you only want to get to know someone because of thier looks, well that is kinda of perverted and weird. You should get to know people on a personal level...get to know the real person under neath the skin. Even with hot girls, I want to get to know them personally. I want to know how they think and what they feel. I treat girls like sisters. Would you sleep with your sister? No, so I would not sleep with even hot girls I am friends with.


Girls want you to be thier friend, rather than to have sex. Sure sex is fun, but it should be used to enhanse and already existing committed relationship, rather than replace a relationship. Relatonship is most important...it should come before and outlast any sexual encounters.


Don't see girls as sex objects. See them as human beings who are thier to be your friend.

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Thanks everyone for responding, and DragonGirl724


I_love_rain_hugs_and_you I didn't mean it like that... I just want to meet new people cause it doesn't seem like i can get a girlfriend with the people i know now . Also, just to let you know, i don't see girls as sex objects, one of my best friends friends is a girl and i actaully have 2 sisters which always tell me to treat a girl the way you would treat your mother. With RESPECT.

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coldplay if you are tall, over 6'3" bumping into a girl may work in your favor. I have done it on accendent many many times and teh reactions I hve gotten have all been good. I never tried to ask the girl out as I wasn't trying to hook up with a girl when it happened, but each time I usually got a nice to a huge smile and some girls blush some didn't others touch me on the arm others acted shy and ran off. There are many reactions when you do this, so be ready to quick on your feet.


Another thing you can go if you have the confindence, is to approach the gilrs that get the most attention. At social gatherings, like parties, the good looking girls tend to not get approach by guys for at least 10 minutes. Most guys are trying to get their attention. If you approach her, even if she is in a group of girls (most guys would never attempt this), you have a much better shot at hooking up, than the other guys, even if there are "hunks" around. And if you are wondering what to say when you do this say this "You seem to get a lot of attention, but I am sure you are use to it". It may or may not work, but once you approach the girl(s) that are getting the most attention other girls will instantly see you and start going after you.


Even if you are not really attarcted to the "popular" girl at the social event it may be still be usefull to do this so you can get the girl you want. I know it seems that you are using the "popular" girl and you are, but girls do it to. I am sure your sisters will agree on that. If not then ask them if they ever flirted with a guy to get the attention of the guy they really want. You are just playing off or using your environment to your advatange, and there is nothing worng with doing that.

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I am sorry COldplay!!!! Sorry for misunderstanding.....


Thanks everyone for responding, and DragonGirl724


I_love_rain_hugs_and_you I didn't mean it like that... I just want to meet new people cause it doesn't seem like i can get a girlfriend with the people i know now . Also, just to let you know, i don't see girls as sex objects, one of my best friends friends is a girl and i actaully have 2 sisters which always tell me to treat a girl the way you would treat your mother. With RESPECT.

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